- Is Batrachochytrium dendrobaidis really the proximate cause of frog decline? 是蛙类种群衰退的近因吗?
- Indeed, one proximate cause of the crisis was a tapering-off of export growth. 事实上,危机爆发的一个最直接的原因是这些国家的出口逐渐减少。
- Causation includes cause in fact and legal cause or proximate cause in the Anglo-Saxon Law. 英美法将因果关系分为事实上因果关系和法律上因果关系。
- The insurance company will not entertain the claim if the risk covered is not the proximate cause of the loss. 如果投保的险别不是造成损失的直接原因,保险公司不予赔偿。
- With the specified-perils form, the insured has the burden of showing the proximate cause of the loss was covered. 在列明风险项下,被保险人负有举证之责,以证明损失的近因是在承保责任范围之内。
- The proximate cause of the crisisin Asiawas the sudden sharp reversal of capital flowsto the region. 直接原因是资金突然被抽走。
- The proximate cause is a huge surge in demand emanating from Asia and particularly from China. 直接原因是亚洲的需求,尤其是中国的需求出现了巨幅增长。
- Title: Is Batrachochytrium dendrobaidis really the proximate cause of frog decline? 关键词:蛙类衰退;壶菌;汀蟾属;壶菌病;澳大利亚两栖动物;蛙病
- However, there is no single satisfactory definition of "proximate cause", so much depends on the courts' approach. 然而,由于对“近因”未有一个比较令人满意的解释,因此,很大程度上取决于法官的判决。
- The proximate cause of the surge in headline inflation is the global rise in commodity prices. 整体通胀率飙升的直接原因是全球大宗商品价格上涨。
- Proximate Cause: Proximate Cause of a loss is the first peril in a chain of events resulting in a loss. (四)按比例分摊原则:指同一个投保标的所发生的经济损失由所有承保,此项标的的保险人按承保责任大小共同分摊。
- And then combine with the cases and prejudication, stated the regulation of the implementation of the principle of proximate cause. 第三部分介绍近因原则的适用,并结合国内外的案例,判例具体分析近因原则在实践中的适用规则。
- Proximate Cause is a reason that is in the domination position or arouses determinative function, even it is not the most recent according to time. Mr. 近因是指处于支配地位或者起决定作用的原因 ,即使在时间上它并不是最近的。
- Maier;rather, entangling alliances between Germany and Austria-Hungary on one hand and Britain and Russia on the other, were a more proximate cause. 实际上,当时的状况是:一方面是德国和奥匈帝国之间错综复杂的联盟关系,另一方面有英国和俄罗斯的复杂关系,这才是导致战争的最直接的原因。
- For Bing Dian, the proximate cause appears to have been a recent piece which criticised the nationalistic undertones of history texts used in schools. 而冰点停刊的直接原因则是近期一篇批评学校历史教科书中的狭隘民族意识的文章。
- Marine cargo insurance is based on the principles if insurable interest, utmost good faith, proximate cause, and indemnity. 保险合同的四大原则:保险利益、最大诚信、近因和赔偿原则。
- It is as true today as when Dean Prosser said it over 50 years ago that proximate cause remains a tangle and jungle, a palace of mirrors and a maze. 正如50年前的学者Prosser教授感叹那样,近因仍然是一团乱麻和一堆荆棘,一个令人眼花缭乱、扑朔迷离的领域。
- Proximate cause: The first cause in an unbroken chain of events leading to a loss. The cause without which the loss would not have occurred. 按照近因原则,如果有两个以上造成损失的原因,并且,各原因之间的因果链未中断,那么,最先发生并造成一连串事故的原因,即可被认为是损失的近因。
- The proximate cause of the job losses was a 17 per cent increase in output per worker, while output fell by a mere 3 per cent (see chart). 就业下降最直接的原因是人均产出增加17%25,而同期的产出仅下降3%25(见图表)。
- There are various different opinions about it, but among them, the principle of proximate cause is prevailed in law and practices in marine insurance. 本文第三章将介绍判断因果关系的不同标准。