- In chapter two, we discuss the normal families of meromorphic functions concerning differential polynomial and mainly prove Theorem 2.1. 第二章讨论了亚纯函数关于它的微分多项式的几个正规定则,主要证明了定理2.;1。
- Context: Euclid's proof of the Pythagorean Theorem made use of the previous proven theorem known as Proposition 41. 上下文:欧几里得关于毕德哥拉斯定理的证明利用了前已证明的命题41。
- Many mathematicians simply set nettlesome questions like these aside and get back to the more pleasant business of proving theorems. 许多数学家只是把这些恼人的问题简单地弃置一旁,而忙于类似定理证明这样更有趣的事务。
- In general, the procedure is that whenever the program contains an application of the form (P Q), we should first prove theorems corresponding to the types of P and Q. 一般的说,这个过程是只要程序包含形如 (P Q) 的应用,我们应当首先证明对应于 P 和 Q 的类型的定理。
- The idea of proving theorems mechanically may be dated back to Descartes and Leibnize in the 17th century and has been formulated in precise mathematical forms in the 20th century through the school of Hilbert. 机器证明的思想可以回溯到 17世纪的 Descartes与 Leibnize,2 0世纪初 Hilbert更明确地提出了公理系统的机械化判定问题。
- Perhaps motivated in part by the mechanical devices that were used to help in arithmetical calculations, mathematicians wanted to know whether there were mechanical ways of proving theorems. 可能得益于早期发明的辅助算术运算的机械装置,数学家们想知道能不能用同样的机械方式来实现定理的证明。
- What a sod this job is proving to be! 这事儿可真棘手哇!
- He takes great delight in proving others wrong. 他的极大乐趣是证实别人错了。
- There wasn't enough evidence to prove him guilty. 没有充分的证据证明他有罪。
- The disease isn't proving responsive to treatment. 该病对治疗没有反应。
- There wasn't enough evidence to prove his guilt. 没有充分的证据能证明他有罪。
- Property verification is carried out using theorem proving systems. 特性验证使用定理求证系统来实现。
- They had educated themselves many times over, proved theorems, and acquired and abandoned artistic sensibilities and skills. 在不同的地方,他们一次又一次的接受教育,证明定理,获得艺术灵感和技巧后将其抛弃。
- He weighed in to prove the point. 他插手来证实那个论点。
- I'll prove to the world that he was right. 我将向世人证明他是对的。
- I defy you to prove I have cheated. 我谅你无法证实我欺骗了人。
- You must prove you can deliver the goods. 你必须证明你能不负众望。
- As a whole our efforts did not prove to be futile. 总体说来,我们的努力没有白费。
- Prove thy friend ere thou have need. 在你需要朋友帮助前,先要考验他们。
- Let us restate the assertions above as a theorem. 我们把上述的断言重新表述为一个定理。