- Ginny: Well you and Dave must be very proud parents this morning. 金妮:你和戴夫这个早上一定都为女儿自豪得很。
- White tiger Betty and her partner Conde became proud parents in November at Buenos Aires zoo. 白虎“贝蒂”和她的配偶“康德”去年11月在布宜诺斯艾利斯动物园成为了光荣的虎妈妈和虎爸爸。
- I wish I had a bumper sticker that said “Proud Parent of an Average Student” - I’d sport that with great pride! 我希望我有一个写着“普通学生的自豪的父(母)亲”的缓冲器。我会骄傲地炫耀它。
- The picture of the two proud parents was followed by wedding photos taken of Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore at No. 2 that fetched $US3 million in October 2005 from OK! magazine. 位居其后的是阿什顿·库彻尔和戴米·摩尔的结婚照,这张于2005年10月登上《OK!》杂志的照片卖价300万美元。
- But a still unknown couple in ancouer has a lot of work to do, after becoming the proud parents of this country's first eer sextuplets. 但是在温哥华,这对未知的夫妇在变成了这个地区首例引以为傲的六胞胎父母后,仍然有大量的工作要做。
- The fun starts the moment Dalmatians Pongo and Perdita settle into their owners' flat to become proud parents of 15 precocious pups. 一日,两人的爱狗在伦敦的海德公园一见钟情,不久,便生下了一窝小斑点狗;同时也为罗杰与案妮坦牵起了红线。
- Proud parents had plotted a path. There was no chance sighting by an elderly scout who had gone to watch another kid play. 骄傲的双亲已经铺出未来。那位暮年壮士亲自去看一个孩童踢球的场面绝不是出于偶然。
- President Faust, members of the Harvard Corporation and the Board of Overseers, members of the faculty, proud parents, and, above all, graduates. 尊敬的浮士德校长,哈佛集团的成员们,监察会,全体教职工,骄傲的父母们,当然还有毕业生:
- The child is born and goes to school.The proud parents are excited because the child excels, gets fair to good grades, and is accepted into a college. 孩子出生了,然后去上学,自豪的父母十分兴奋,因为他们的孩子成绩十分出色,而且进了名牌大学。
- Proud parents are Lori and Tim Baker .They are getting ready for a big home coming for the quints who are staying in intensive care as their lungs develop. 发现号航天飞机上的宇航员将两块太阳能能源组移到空间站的另一端,耗时3天。
- Am I a proud parent? You bet! 我是一个非常骄傲的父亲吗?那还用说!
- She writes to her parents once a week. 她每周给父母写一封信。
- The court is acting in loco parent. 正以家长地位行为的法院。
- The college did us proud at the centenary dinner. 院方在一百周年校庆设宴款待我们。
- The parents tried to smother up his son's crime. 这两个家长想给其儿子掩盖罪行。
- I confess to being proud of my son's success. 我自认以儿子的成功为荣。
- Children's bad behavior is often a reflection on their parents. 小孩的坏品行常常有损父母的名誉。
- She is proud of her son, and well she may. 她以儿子为傲也是应该的。
- Her elopement astounded her parents. 她的私奔使她的父母大为震惊。
- Her parents coerced her into marrying the man. 她的父母强迫她嫁给那个人。