- protocol using go back n 后退n协议
- He makes a return and go back to the hotel. 他掉转车头,驶回饭店。
- The children have to go back to school next week. 下周孩子们要返校了。
- How far does your memory go back? 你能回忆起多久以前的事情?
- How far does the tradition go back? 这传统有多久的历史了?
- I'm glad she's decided to go back to her husband. 我很高兴她已决定回到她丈夫身边。
- His father told him not to go back on his promise. 他的父亲对他说,不要违背自己的诺言。
- Let's go back to what the chairman said earlier. 让我们回到主席先前说的问题上。
- It seems to me that be would like to go back home. 我觉得他好象想要回家。
- I've never dared go back to look. 我再也不敢回去看一眼了。
- going back N levers in history and redrawing screen at that depth. 返回到N级历史,并重画当时的窗体。
- Go back there? I'd sooner emigrate! 回去? 我宁可移居海外也不回去!
- I am filled with desire to go back home. 我心中充满了回家的渴望。
- Now let's go back to your first novel, rag doll. 现在我们转回来谈谈你的第一部小说——玩具娃娃。
- Go back into user mode. What command did you use? 返回到用户模式,你会用哪条命令?
- no one has the owner's number..she said today like got ppl go back n feed the dog.. 你的朋友有没有打电话给主人,问他的狗还要不要,不要的话他们就会放走他。
- I shall certainly look up all my old friends when I go back home. 我回家的时候,当然要去看望我所有的老朋友。
- You should never go back on your promise to a child. 你给孩子许了愿就千万不要食言。
- He went back to his Yan an days. 他回忆起在延安的岁月。
- Once again he went back on his comrades. 他再次背弃了他的同志们。