- A protective covering of bony plates or scales. 护身甲壳保护骨盘或介壳的覆盖层
- A protective covering for the knee. 护膝用于保护膝盖的覆盖物
- A decorative or protective covering or cover. 罩子一个装饰性或保护性的罩或盖
- A protective covering for the face or head. 罩,防护罩用于脸或头的保护性覆盖物
- A protective covering or sheath. 鞘一种保护性的覆盖物或套
- A thick protective cover similar to or suggestive of a quilt. 被状物与被子相似的或使人能联想到被子的一种厚实的保护性遮盖物
- A protective covering for the head. 头盔保护头部的遮盖物
- A protective covering over a mattress to protect it. 套在褥子外面用来保护褥子的防护罩。
- An ornamental or protective covering for a saddle. 鞍巾,鞍褥(装饰或御寒用的)覆盖马鞍的布巾
- The cap is a protective covering of a plant. 藓帽是一种植物的保护帽。
- A decorativeor protective covering or cover. 罩子一个装饰性或保护性的罩或盖。
- A protective covering for the backs of chairs and sofas. 椅背套椅子和沙发背的保护性套子
- This prehistoric animal grew a thick protective covering. 这种史前动物长着一层厚厚的保护性外皮。
- A similar natural protective covering or structure, such as the egg case of a spider. 茧状物类似的自然保护覆盖层或结构,例如蜘蛛的蛋壳
- A clear glass or plastic protective cover for the face of a watch or clock. 水晶面一个覆盖在钟表表面的、起保护作用的透明玻璃或塑料片
- This prehistoric animalgrew a thick protective covering. 这种史前动物长着一层厚厚的保护性外皮。
- The crosshead must establish protection cover, to avoid the incaution harms and operates the personnel. 联轴器处必须设置保护罩,以避免不小心伤及操作人员。
- A protective covering, structure, or organ of an animal or a plant, such as teeth, claws, thorns, or the shell of a turtle. 防御器官动物或植物的防护层,结构或器官,如牙齿,爪子,荆棘或乌龟的壳
- A decorative protective covering for the arms or headrest of a chair. 罩布,小垫布置于椅子扶手或头靠上的装饰性保护罩
- The protective covering of certain animals,as the shell of a turtle. 甲壳某些动物身上有保护作用的覆盖物,例如乌龟的壳。