- protecting and regreening 防护绿化
- How do we protect and share WA's fish resources? 我们如何保护和分享西澳大利亚渔业资源?
- Protect and cherish the flowers and plants! 保护绿化环境,爱护花草树木!
- So the rules for winter are to protect and soothe. 冬天的原则是保护皮肤并减缓痛苦,
- A place offering protection and safety; a shelter. 避难所提供保护及安全的场所; 庇护所
- These systems aim to protect and facilitate legitimate trade. 这些管制制度旨在保障和利便正当工商业的经营。
- We will do everything to protect and preserve these rights. 我们会竭尽所能,保障和维护这些权利。
- I work in this dome protecting and working with the crystal. 我在这座拱顶建筑中保护水晶,并与其一起工作。
- More than 80 UN treaties protect and promote specific human rights. 联合国有80多个条约保护和促进落实特定人权。
- They risked their lives to protect and serve the general public. 他们冒生命危险保护和服务市民。
- We are doing our best to protect and rebuild the old city walls. 我们正尽最大的努力去保护和重建老城墙。
- A set of hardware tools to protect and access restrictions. 一套硬件设备保护和访问限制工具。
- Love is that two solitudes protect and limit and greet each other. 两个孤独的人相互保护,相互制约,相互问候,这便是爱情。
- Protective and locking system of a capacitor bank. 一个电容器组的保护和联锁。
- China Giant Panda Protection and Research Center. 中国大熊猫保护与研究中心。
- Trees provide wind protection and shade. 树能挡风与遮荫。
- Integrate protection and measurement funct... 集保护功能和测量功能于一体;
- Experts say it protects and cleans the ear. 专家说,耳垢可以保护和清洁耳朵。
- The collar has two functions for human neck: protecting and decorating. 领子具有保护颈部和美化装饰的双重功能。