- Adds object to the protected zone. 添加对象到受保护区域。
- It helps create a network-wide security zone, blocking the way from computers that have been added, or located outside the protected zone. 它有助于创造一个全网范围内的安全区,阻挠两岸直接从计算机中已加入,或位于外的保护区。
- President Bush notes the protected zones include parts of the Mariana Trench - the world's deepest canyon. 布什总统指出,受保护的地区包括马利亚纳海沟的一部分,那是世界上最深的海沟。
- Several methods commonly used for the delineation of water source protection zone were summarised. 概述了几种常用的水源保护区划分方法。
- At the same time,the local rules and regulations will be strictly observed to control the business and tourist activities in the protection zone. 同时,严格执行地方法规,严格管理水源保护区内的各种生产经营活动和旅游活动。
- To operate within the power cable line protection zones. 在电力电缆线路保护区内进行作业。
- Results of an investigation of the amphibian animal resources and the fauna characteristics of Jiemuxi Natural Protection Zone were reported. 报道了借母溪自然保护区两栖动物资源和区系特征的调查结果。
- To go through the power line protection zone at a distance smaller than the safety distance between conducting wires and the objects to run through. 小于导线距穿越物体之间的安全距离,通过架空电力线路保护区;
- At the same time, the local rules and regulations will be strictly observed to control the business and tourist activities in the protection zone. 同时,严格执行地方法规,严格管理水源保护区内的各种生产经营活动和旅游活动。
- In the protection zone, poultry must be kept indoors and movement of poultry is banned except directly to the slaughterhouse. 在警戒区域中,必须将家禽留在室内,同时除了直接送往屠宰场外,禁止移动家禽。
- FAN N H. Eupatorium odoratum Linn invading into Hainan Datian National Natural Protection Zone[N]. Hainan Daily, 2004-08-15 (4). 范南虹.;海南大田国家级自然保护区飞机草侵蚀[N]
- Eastern is a national mangrove resource protection zone, regardless of the wind blowing from every convenience, are very fresh. 东边有国家级的红树林资源保护区,不管风从那方便吹过来,都是很新鲜的。
- Tao Zunhua,Liu Guangshan.Research on methods to confirm health protection zone for electro_aluminum factory[J].Light Metal,2001,(6):61-63. [1]陶遵华;刘广山.;确定电解铝厂卫生防护距离的探讨[J]
- They netted the fruit trees to protect them from birds. 他们用网覆盖住果树以使其免遭鸟害。
- Through the investigation of pollution sources in the water resource protection zone, the result showed that the organic pol. 通过对大治河水源保护区域内的污染源调查,结果表明,有机污染中既有点污染源的贡献,但主要来源于非点污染源。
- Second, conducting mountain closure to rehabilitate the overall vegetation of forests and grass on all barren hills in protected zones, including newly established open forests and shrubs. 二是对地域内所有的荒山荒地,包括新造林未成林地、灌木林地,采取封山育林的办法全面恢复林草植被;
- Last night Defra imposed a3km protection zone and a 10km surveillance zone around the Redgrave area torestrict the movement of poultry and isolate them from wild birds. 昨晚,当局已经在疫情发现地区设置了一个3公里的保护区域以及10公里的监控区域,以限制家禽的活动并将之与野生鸟类隔离。
- These rare tigers are protected by special laws. 这些珍贵的老虎受到专门法律的保护。
- The computer is protected by a plastic cover. 计算机得到塑料套的保护。
- The Norwegians live in a comparatively cold zone. 挪威人生活在比较寒冷的地区。