- Perhaps she knew. Hugged the bear to have a new girl greatly. New must protect object. 也许她知道。大抱熊拥有了一个新的女孩。新的要保护的对象。
- Detailed description of each part of this architecture was given from the respects of protected object,security aim and security measure. 从保护对象、安全目标和措施三个方面,对该体系结构参考模型中的每一部分作了详细的描述。
- Nuclear power plant containment shell is a large-volume pre-stressed reinforced concrete silo-shell structure to prevent radioactivity, and is the most important protected object in special condition. 核电站安全壳是防止放射性物质向环境释放的大体积预应力混凝土筒壳结构,是特殊环境条件下的重点防护目标。
- And thus the main protective object is the migratory birds which come here wintering and resting.It’s the time of the migratory birds gathering every year from October to March next year. 分别为河南开封柳园口省级湿地自然保护区、河南黄河湿地国家级自然保护区和豫北黄河故道湿地鸟类国家级自然保护区。
- They netted the fruit trees to protect them from birds. 他们用网覆盖住果树以使其免遭鸟害。
- A shield placed to protect an object from the wind. 风挡为防止一个物体受风吹而安置的保护物
- He always travels first class expense is no object. 他出门总是用头等票--费用不成问题。
- He was too shortsighted to focus on the object. 他由于近视过深而无法把视力焦点对准在该物体上。
- How can we protect our computer files? 我们怎样才能保护我们的计算机数据?
- I object to our privacy being invaded. 我反对我们的隐私权受到侵害。
- Many people object to experimentation on animals. 许多人反对用动物做实验。
- A plastic cover protect the computer. 这台计算机由一个塑料防护罩盖着。
- It's our duty to protect the saplings. 保护树苗是我们的责任。
- The main protected objects of Dashahe nature reserve are rare with endangered animal and plant population of Cathaya argyrophylla and Prebytis francoisi. 贵州道真大沙河自然保护区是以银杉、黑叶猴等珍稀濒危动植物物种种群及其自然生境为主要保护对象的野生生物类自然保护区。
- I object to your (unpleasant) insinuations! 我讨厌你那些(令人不快的)拐弯抹角的话!
- Moreover,the protecting objects are stipulated frondosely in the new criminal law is that country and public interests can be survived from the illegal aggressive behavior. 新刑法更加具体的规定了正当防卫的保护对象是“国家”、“公共利益”免受犯罪份子的不法侵害。
- In case of flood, the dam can protect us. 在发洪水的时候,大堤可以保护我们。
- A cube is a three-dimensional object. 立方体是三维物体。
- A law was passed to protect alien property. 通过了一项法律保护外国侨民的财产。
- The emission of visible light by a hot object. 白热光物体遇热发出可见光