- Steady progress was made in animal husbandry and fishery industry. 畜牧业和渔业生产稳定发展。
- Steady progress was seen in animal husbandry and fishery. 畜牧业、渔业生产稳步发展。
- prosperity in animal husbandry 畜牧生产繁荣
- The120000 Mongolians here are engaged exclusively in animal husbandry. 这里的12万蒙古族人民完全从事畜牧业。
- Animal waste management and clean production technology in animal husbandry. 动物废弃物管理与畜牧业清洁生产技术。
- The120000Mongolians here are engaged exclusively in animal husbandry. 这里的12万蒙古族人民完全从事畜牧业。
- Two worked examples in animal husbandry were given for demonstration. 并各列举了1个畜牧方面的试验演示其分析过程。
- Although her formal training ended at high school, her lifelong education in animal husbandry had begun. 虽然她的正规教育到高中就结束了,但她动物饲养的终生教育才刚刚开始。
- Abstract: On Problems in Animal Husbandry Industry of China, Contraries Problems, According to Theory of System Science and Ecology, Exploring Strategy of Intercede and Control. 文摘:论述了我国目前畜牧业产业化发展中存在的几个主要问题,针对问题,依据系统科学和生态学原理探讨了宏观调控方略。参4。
- Article 9. The state shall encourage scientific research in animal husbandry on the grasslands in order to raise the scientific and technological level in this field of endeavour. 第九条 国家鼓励草原畜牧业科学研究,提高草原畜牧业的科学技术水平。
- Ryegrass from Sudan exists widely in China and is widely applied in animal husbandry and fishery, which is high yield and high quality. 摘要黑麦草是由苏丹引种的一种高产优质牧草,在中国有较广泛的分布,主要应用于畜牧业、渔业等生产。
- As a kind of high quality protein feed resource, the cottonseed cake could not be widely used in animal husbandry production due to the gossypol in it. 棉子饼粕是一种优质的蛋白质饲料资源,但由于含有有毒物质棉酚,制约了其在畜牧业中的应用。
- However,it is difficult for us to gain a great deal of anti-inhibin antibody , which hinders implication of passive immunization against inhibin in animal husbandry. 然而,如何以少量的抗原制备高效抗体成为进一步深入研究被动免疫的作用机制,并将该技术加以推广应用的难题。
- The animal husbandry in this area has developed greatly after liberation. 解放后这个地区的畜牧业得到了巨大的发展。
- The town was an oasis of prosperity in a desert of poverty. 该镇是贫穷荒漠中的一块繁荣的"绿洲"。
- On Problems in Animal Husbandry Industry of China, Contraries Problems, According to Theory of System Science and Ecology, Exploring Strategy of Intercede and Control. 论述了我国目前畜牧业产业化发展中存在的几个主要问题,针对问题,依据系统科学和生态学原理探讨了宏观调控方略。参4。
- Is the most professional in animal husbandry dairy machinery technology development, production, application and integration services for the enterprises. 是国内最专业的从事畜牧乳品机械技术开发、生产、应用和服务为一体的企业。
- Animal husbandry is important in this area. 畜牧业在这一带很重要。
- Its people mainly go in for animal husbandry. 其人民主要从事畜牧业生产。
- He will never prosper in his inheritance otherwise. 否则他继承下来的东西对他绝不会有好处。