- The incompatible offices of prosecutor and judge. 检察官和法官的职位不能由一个人兼任。
- Relationship Between Prosecutor and Police 检警关系
- As to her alleged abuse of amphetamines part of the prosecutors and police continued to investigate. 至于她涉嫌吸食安非他命的部分,检警仍持续调查。
- Relating to a trial in which one party acts as both prosecutor and judge. 不公开刑事诉讼程序的有关一场审问的,其中一方既是原告又是法官
- The state prosecutors and police organizations wereadamantly opposed, believing that videotaping would be expensiveand cumbersome, and would hamstring their ability to close cases. 州检察官和警方机构坚决地反对,认为录像会增加花费和使工作不便,并且会削弱他们结案的能力。
- She has also served as a prosecutor and a corporate litigator. 她还担任过公诉人和企业诉讼律师。
- The protesters and police stood eyeball to eyeball. 抗议者与警察剑拔弩张。
- Obey all road signs and police officers. 遵守所有的路标和交通警察的指挥;
- Soldiers and police have been put on alert. 军队和警察已经处于戒备状态。
- Army and police forces are the state machinery. 军队和警察是国家机器。
- So the council and police have switched tack. 因此委员会和警署开始调整战略。
- Tell it to the Beadle and police, as well! 告诉毕多和警察,快点儿!
- Please call an ambulance and police car immediately. 请立刻召唤一辆救护车及警车。
- There were minor face-offs between demonstrators and police. 示威者与警方发生了小冲突。
- In the case, the prosecutor and defendant both stick to their own arguments. 关于这个案子,原告、被告各执一端。
- Tells me that, go get Medical examination and Police Certifcate. 告诉我,让我去体检和拿犯罪记录。
- Fire and police departments were mobilized immediately. 消防和警察部门立即动员起来。
- Doctors, nurses, soldiers, and police officers wear them. 医生、护士、士兵以及警官都穿制服。
- Prosecutor, private prosecutor and advocate are not the subjects of the right to make a final statement. 公诉人、自诉人、辩护人不是最后陈述权的主体。
- The consecutive statements, allegations, and counterallegations made in turn by plaintiff and defendant, or prosecutor and accused, in a legal proceeding. 起诉状,答辩状在法律程序中,分别由原告、被告或检举人和被检举人所做的连续的供述、辩解和反辩解