- Here he also dealt with the question of"proper selection of personnel". 这里他还谈到“善于用人”的问题。
- proper selection of personnel 识人用人
- Proper selection of a web browser is also important. 选择适当的网页浏览器也是同样重要的。
- Proper selection of the glass material can correct the chromatism. 选取透镜的玻璃材料校正物镜的色差;
- With proper selection of parameters, small dimension products with high precision can be obtained. 选择适当的工艺参数,能够制得精度很高的小尺寸产品;
- Proper selection of materials, preheating and postheating can help to avoid cracking. 适当的选材与低温预热及后热可以抑制表面裂纹的产生。
- Proper selection of dithering amplitude and frequency of RLG has a direct influence on the effect of dithering bias. 抖动参数的正确选择直接影响抖动偏频效果。
- Considering the fluidization quality of the system, proper selection of static powder bed height and powder outlet relative height was very critical. 在权衡流化质量的基础上,粉体静止料层高度和出粉口相对高度的选取至为关键。
- The technique plays an important role in the proper selection of parts,thermal electrical stress control in the circuit design and derating. 说明这一方法对元器件的正确选择、电路设计中热电应力的控制和降额等可靠性设计起主导的作用。
- A rotation of personnel; crop rotation. 员工的轮流替换; 农作物的轮作
- Many papers dealt with the generalizations of CRI and the proper selection of operations satisfying various requirements. 很多文献研究了CRI法的推广以及满足不同要求的算子的合理选择。
- The thrust fluctuation can also be greatly reduced by proper selection of magnet shapes and positioning and magnetizing methods. 在初级结构和电流控制策略确定之后,选择合适的次级磁铁充磁方式、磁铁形状及排列方式,也可有效地削弱推力波动;
- Veterinarians remain a primary source for new owners to seek advice on the proper selection of breeders and their puppies. 均衡的饲养方法是依据每一种食物中的能量密度(和前面说的体重等因素)找到正确的食物量来喂食幼犬。
- And the proper selection of synthesized modes and mixed style will be ideal to assure the sound functionality of retirement fund. 以适当比例组合起来的复合型模式和混合型模式能够兼顾养老保险多方面功能的发挥。
- The NGL complex contains different processing units and proper selection of them is very important,technically and economically. 液态天然气的综合加工工艺包括不同的处理单元,如何从技术、经济的角度正确选择处理工艺是非常重要的。
- He chewed over a vexatious problem of personnel. 他思考着伤脑筋的人事问题。
- Now's the time when we are in need of personnel. 现在正是用人的时候。
- A proper selection of maturity structure of debt financing is for enterprises to reduce the cost and boost the revenue of debt financing in order to maximize the enterprise value. 企业对债权融资期限结构进行选择,目的是为了降低债权融资成本,提高债权融资的收益,最终促进企业价值最大化的实现。
- A rotation of personnel;crop rotation. 员工的轮流替换;农作物的轮作
- The impact of the coating structure on the anti-rusting life time of tank wall and the proper selection of anti-static coatings for the internal wall of the tanks were discussed. 分析了漆层结构对罐壁防锈寿命的影响,提出了油罐内壁防静电涂料的配套原则。