- proper lamina of mesentery 肠系膜固有层
- Each lamina of ramose top turns into bud piece, base the ministry is gules, read floweriness piece. 各分枝顶端的叶片变为苞片,基部红色,看似花瓣。
- Objective To study the meaning of the change of mesentery as to the change of heart load. 目的探讨急性右心衰竭时肠系膜微循环的改变与中心静脉压的相关性。
- The thickness of basal lamina of the alveolar septa in diabetic rats was examined by transmission electron microscopy, image analysis, and morphometry methods. 使用透射电镜观察摄片、图像分析仪分析及形态计量学方法研究肺泡隔内基板厚度。
- In lamina of shale which deposited in deep lake away from paleo-debouchment in the Shahejie Formation in the Jiyang Depression, some aeolian silty sand was discovered. 在济阳坳陷沙河街组远离古河口沉积的页岩纹层中发现了风成粉砂沉积。
- I made a proper balls-up of that exam. 那次考试我考得一塌糊涂。
- Results There were 3 cases of enteric cyst, 2 cases of mesentery lym-phangioma, 3 cases of greater omental cyst, 3 cases of cystic teratoma, 2 cases of abdominal abscess. 结果肠源性囊肿3例,肠系膜淋巴管瘤2例,大网膜囊肿3例,囊性畸胎瘤3例,腹腔脓肿2例。并发系膜扭转1例,网膜扭转2例,囊肿出血2例,肠穿孔和右侧胸腔疝各1例。结论儿童腹部脏器外囊性病变主要为良性病变。
- Application : Verdure of lamina of red star pineapple is shining, cardinal bud tubal account piece, colour is gorgeous and abiding, view and admire period long. 应用 :红星凤梨叶片翠绿光亮,深红色管状苞片,色彩艳丽持久,观赏期长。
- Lack of proper food often stunts a child. 缺少适当的食物常常阻碍小孩的发育成长。
- A familiar or shortened form of a proper name. 缩写,常用的形式一个名字的熟悉的或缩写的形式
- A test, as of a machine, for proper functioning. 检验为等正常运作所做的检验,如对机器
- Her action go beyond the compass of proper social behavior. 她的举动越出了正当的社交行为的范围。
- Methods: Cases whose oviducts were blocked or jammed because of abnormal oviducts or shortage of mesentery were treated using oviduct inflammatory separation and peritoneum transplantation, and compared with their former condition. 方法对31例因输卵管形态异常及系膜短缺致输卵管不通或通而不畅患者行输卵管粘连松解加腹膜移植术并进行术前术后比较。
- The subependymal nodules tend to be located along the ventricular surface of the caudate nucleus, most often on the lamina of the sulcus thalamostriatus immediately posterior to the foramen of Monro. 室管膜下结节倾向于位于尾状核的脑室面,最常位于近邻孟氏孔丘脑髓纹的质板。
- The first letter of a proper name. 专有名词的第一个字母
- In different successional communities, the lamina of 3 Gramineae species showed great anatomical plasticity in the order: A. extremiorientale (0.24)>T. japonica (0.19)>A. hispidus (0.17). 3种禾草的叶片结构都随群落的恢复演替而表现出较大的可塑性,可塑性大小依次为:远东芨芨草(0.;24)>黄背草(0
- How can I persuade you of my sincerity? 我如何能够让你相信我的诚意?
- There is a vein of melancholy in his character. 他的性格中有少许忧郁的气质。
- The equilibrium moisture content of redrying lamina of flue-cured tobacco grown in Yunnan province was determined with the conditioning box method.Each test circle was completed in 2 - 3 days. 在用调温调温箱控制实验环境的温湿度条件下,测定了云南烤烟复烤片烟及其膨胀梗丝、叶组烟丝的吸湿平衡含水率,每组样品测定周期为2-3天。
- A bowl of hot chicken soup is good for you. 喝一碗热鸡汤对你有好处。