- For this lot, could you consider prompt shipment? 我们这批货,能不能考虑即期装运?
- Can you try to make prompt shipment for this lot? 这批货物贵方能够即期装运吗?
- For this lot could you consider prompt shipment? 我们这批货,能不能考虑即期装运?
- You can be assured of prompt shipment. 我们想贵方保证立即装运。
- Is there any possibility for prompt shipment? 你方有没有可能即期装货?
- Please make us an offer for prompt shipment. 请给我们一个立即装运的报盘。
- We can assure you of our prompt shipment. 我们可以向贵方保证及时装运。
- Could you consider prompt shipment for this lot? 我们这批货能否考虑即期装运?
- I'm afraid prompt shipment is impo ible. 恐怕立即装船不太可能。
- It is very difficult for us to get the goods in large quantity as well as make prompt shipment. 要搞到大数量的这种货物,并在近期内交货,是不容易的。
- Offer any cheap item preferably similar order 177 prompt shipment. 所报任何低价品,最好接近177号订单,并请安排立刻装船。
- The goods are urgently needed. Prompt shipment will be appreciated. 急需此货,请即装运。
- Silks are seasonal goods in North America so I need a delivery within a month. Can you make a prompt shipment? 在北美丝绸是季节性物资,因此我想在一个月内收到货物你们能马上装船吗?
- If you place your order not later than the end of this month,we will ensure prompt shipment. 若贵方订货不迟于本月底,我们就保证即期装运。
- To our regret,we have to inform you that we can not accept your demand for prompt shipment. 很遗憾,我们不得不通知贵方我们不能接受贵方即期装船的要求。
- It is very difficult for us to get the goods in large quantity as well as to make prompt shipment. 要搞到大量的这种货物,并且尽快交货,是比较困难的。
- If you place your order not later than the end of this month, we will ensure prompt shipment. 若贵方订货不迟于本月底,我们就保证即期装运。
- To our regret, we have to inform you that we can not accept your demand for prompt shipment. 很遗憾,我们不得不通知贵方我们不能接受贵方即期装船的要求。
- To ensure prompt shipment , we enclose a bank draft for us $ 1000 on seattle bank . 为保证迅速装运,我们随函附上西雅图银行1000美元汇票一张。
- Prompt shipment of palm oil spot pricing fell 15 ringgit to 1985 ringgit per tonne. 即期装船的现货棕榈油报价下跌15令吉,至每吨1,985令吉。