- Objective To observe the effect of Shengfaling tincture in promoting blood circulation and hair growth in rats. 目的探讨生发灵酊剂对大鼠的活血化瘀及促毛发生长作用。
- Dredge meridian, and promote blood circulation. 疏通经络,促进血液循环。
- Promote blood circulation, antivirus, relieve pain. 促进血液循环,杀菌止痛。
- It has the ability of expelling wind, removing damness, promoting blood circulation, freeing channel, bruise trimming, hemagogue. 具有祛风除湿,活血通络,消肿止痛之功效。
- Having a specially good effect for promoting Blood circulation to relieve pain, this salve is a traditional drug. 本膏药系传统伤药,活血止痛有特效。
- To drug-fast nephrosis,we should add promoting blood circulation to remove blood stasis drugs. 对激素耐药型肾病在中医辨证论治的基础上,佐用活血化瘀药,能提高疗效,少走弯路。
- Hanning Quhan Xinmaitong for promoting blood circulation, with the exception of Bi Yang. 寒凝心脉进行驱寒活血,除痹通阳。
- The patient with CSX should be treated by regulating the Qi,relieving chest stuffiness and promoting blood circulation. 理气宽胸活血法能减少心脏X综合征病人心绞痛的发生,改善病人临床状况。
- That indicated tonifying qi and promoting blood flow played an important role in diagnosis and treatment of angina p... 说明了气虚血瘀在冠心病心绞痛诊治中的地位和作用。
- All these show that the medical belt is effective in tonifying yang ,promoting blood circula... 有增体重作用,但对网状内皮系统吞噬功能激活,增强作用不明显;
- The resuh suggested that both herbs possess the effects of promoting blood flow and removing blood stas... 实验结果提示,两者均有活血化瘀的功效,其作用强度则无明显差异。
- It can promote blood circulation, relax foot, deodorize. 能促进血液循环,舒缓足部不适,消除不良气味。
- Professor Zhou Wenquan was good at treating angiocardiopathy by promoting blood circulation by removing blood stasis in clinic. 周文泉主任医师,在临床上擅长用活血化瘀法治疗心血管疾病。
- Effect of supplementing qi-yin and promoting blood circulation on inhibition of non-enzymatic glycation in kidney of diabetic rats. 益气养阴活血法对糖尿病大鼠肾组织非酶糖基化作用的影响。
- With the function of promoting Blood circulation to remove Blood stasis, this salve specializes in treating traumatic injuries. 本药膏活血化瘀,专治跌打损伤。
- Many clinical studies showed that tonifying yin and qi,promoting blood flow to detoxicate had an important effect in treating th... 大量的临床研究显示,滋阴益气、活血解毒法的恰当运用对本病的治疗尤为重要。
- To observe the clinical effect of supplementing qi and promoting blood circulation in SARS patients in convalescent period. 观察益气活血法为主治疗SARS恢复期的临床效果。
- Conclusion: Microvessel disorder maybe a cause of glossodynia,Injection Argelicaes is a good drug for promoting blood circulation. 结论:首次提出舌微血管障碍可能是舌痛的病因之一,采用当归注射液为主的中西医活血化瘀疗法,可获得良好疗效。
- Conclusion: This decoction has efficacy of promoting blood flow, vanishing and eliminating stagnation, and is good to heal hysteromyoma. 结论:衰氏消瘤汤具有活血破血,消症散结的功效,治疗子宫肌瘤有较好疗效。
- So removing dampness by diuresis, regulating the funtion of the liver and spleen, promoting blood circulation to remove blood stasis were adop... 故在治疗上分别采用利湿祛邪、调肝理脾、活血化瘀之法,取得了显著疗效。