- His promising career began to fall apart. 他那本来前程似锦的生涯开始崩溃了。
- You've thrown up a very promising career. 你放弃了一个很有前途的职业.
- One more promising career at Ford would bite the dust. 又一个人在福特公司的光明前程就此断送。
- Without a fair hearing, one more promising career at Ford would bite the dust. 福特公司又一个人的美好前程就轻轻断送了,而不容许申诉。
- I believe I can have a promising career with the development of this company. 我相信随著公司的发展,我的事业也会大有前途的。
- Full CPD training and promising career prospect to successful candidate. 提供免费CPD持续进修课程及优良前途予成功者。
- A very promising career was cut short because she blew the whistle on unsafe practices. 因为揭露了某些不安全的工作情形,导致她丢了一份有大好前途的工作。
- Wraith: Although initially reluctant to sacrifice his promising career, Gary realizes that his acting gift is needed for a higher cause. 虽然加里最初并不情愿牺牲他很有前途的事业,他意识到更才崇高的事业需要他的表演天分。
- You don't want to miss a promising career opportunity in the call center management sector in an economy increasingly focused on service, do you? 您想把握全球呼叫中心客服时代带来的职业发展良机吗?
- Although initially reluctant to sacrifice his promising career, Gary realizes that his acting gift is needed for a higher cause. 尽管加里最初为难的牺牲了他美好的事业,但他认识到他的才能要为更高的事业起作用。
- Liladril was one of the fastest runners in the land and had a promising career in athletics,but a jealous opponent smashed in her knee with a club. 里拉德瑞尔是这个世界上跑得最快的人之一,并且是一个很有前途的运动员,但一个嫉妒她的对手却将她的膝盖用棍子打得粉碎。
- Early in the movie, after an intense encounter with God, Wilberforce begins wondering whether to forsake his promising career in political service in favor of spiritual pursuits. 电影一开始讲到韦博福斯遇见神后,他开始思考自己是否应放弃在政治界前景看好的事业,改而寻求属灵的工作。
- He began his career as an apprentice. 他以当学徒开始他的职业生涯。
- Lacks planning for career has no purpose or goals. 对自己的事业没有安排就没有目标和理想。
- The public scandal left a black mark on his career. 这一尽人皆知的丑闻给他的事业留下了污点。
- He's already mapped out his whole future career. 他对自己未来的事业有了周详的计划。
- He will choose banking as his career. 他将选择银行业做为职业。
- Mr Grate just entered on a business career. 格罗特先生刚开始经商。
- A career needs our devotion all our lives. 一项事业需要我们毕生的奉献。
- Promising is a diligent student. 用功的学生有前途。