- Conclusion The increase of sum of X cell in prolonged pregnancy has no effect to set on labor. 结果足月后随孕周的增加胎盘的X细胞总数和X细胞的蜕变率均呈显著增加趋势,而未蜕变的X细胞则无显著差异。
- Conversely, attempts to prolong pregnancy with expectant management may result in fetal death or asphyxial damage in utero and increased maternal morbidity. 急诊分娩会带来高新生儿死亡率和患病率,并且因早产会延长胎儿在重症监护病房的住院时间。
- Conersely, attempts to prolong pregnancy with expectant management may result in fetal death or asphyxial damage in utero and increased maternal morbidity. 急诊分娩会导致新生儿高死亡率和患病率,并且因早产会延长新生儿在重症监护病房的住院时间。
- Methods Placentae from 20 cases of prolonged pregnancy (PP), 15 cases of delayed pregnancy (DP), and 29 cases of normal term pregnancy (NTP) were examined by morphometriological feature image anlysis. 方法应用图像分析技术对过期妊娠20例(过期组)、延期妊娠15例(延期组)和正常足月妊娠29例(对照组),进行形态计量学观察。
- Keywords Prolonged Pregnancy Prenatal Diagnosis Perinatology; 妊娠;过期;产前诊断;围产期学;
- Keywords dinoprostone;labor;induced;prolong pregnancy; 地诺前列酮;引产;延期妊娠;
- Uterine spiral arteries in the human placental bed of prolonged pregnancy 过期妊娠人胎盘床的子宫螺旋动脉
- Developmental data in preschool children born after prolonged pregnancy 过期妊娠后出生的儿童在学龄前的发育数据
- The crowd burst into prolonged cheering. 人群中爆发出长时间的欢呼声。
- After prolonged questioning, she finally confessed. 她受到长时间的盘问之后,终于承认了。
- You are advised not to smoke during pregnancy. 怀孕期间你最好不要吸烟。
- Don't prolong the agony just tell us the result! 别再让我们著急了--快告诉我们结果吧!
- Prolonged, sometimes senseless talk. 连篇的废话冗长的、有时毫无意义的谈话
- People have all along been seeking to prolong life. 人们一直在寻求长寿之道。
- Prediction of Labor Induction for Prolonged Pregnancy via Transperineal Sonographic Measurement of Cervical Length 经会阴超声测量宫颈长度对预测延期妊娠引产的价值
- After a prolonged battle, they managed to drive out the invaders. 经过长期的战争,他们终于赶走了侵略者。
- The clinical significance of the fetal monitoring for prolonged pregnancy and the intrauterine monitoring of the high-risk pregnant women and fetus 胎动监测对过期妊娠及高危孕妇胎儿宫内监护的临床意义
- Keywords Prolonged pregnancy;Non stressing test (NST);Amniotoic fluid index(AFI);Estrogen3(E 3);Human placental lactogen (HPL); 过期妊娠;胎心监护;羊水指数;血清游离雌三醇;胎盘泌乳素;
- The breasts swell during pregnancy. 怀孕期乳房发胀.
- How can we endeavor to prolong the brevity of human life? 我们怎样才能延长短促的人生?