- Professional project management, shrinking the time-to-global markets through efficient project operation. 制定专业的项目管理系统,通过有效的项目运作来缩短产品投入全球市场的时间。
- In developing overseas market of oil and gas,financing is the prerequisite of project operation. 开拓海外油气市场的过程中,筹措资金是项目运营的前提。
- We would present integrity coperate atitude, absolutely follow the project operation method and demand, to pursue cooperation with your company. 我们将本着诚信合作的态度,积极按照该项目的运作方式及要求,谋求与贵公司的合作。
- Assess overall project operations and budget controls. 评估整体项目的运行和预算控制。
- Generic roles &responsibilities 1.Manage &oversee a sizable project operation of more than 200 CSR/ TSRs or ab...... ... 公司名称:上海瑜亮人力资源开发有限公司工作地点:其他发布时间:2009-3-30
- The West Aluminum company has the project company and the mechanical workable company"s twofold production operation characteristic, the project operation is its daily content. 西铝公司是具有工程性公司和机械加工性公司两重生产运作特征的企业,项目运作是它的日常内容。
- Soil conservation scheme should coincide with different period of project construction, and must be implemented separately in project construction, project check and acceptance, project operation. 该建设项目水保方案应与工程建设阶段相吻合,在工程实施、验收、运行等阶段均应开展相应的水保工作。
- optimization of water project operation 水利调度优化技术
- It shall be able to provide the itemized schedules on the total incomes of project operations as well as on its total incomes. 能够提供项目业务收入和企业总收入的明细。
- Since the spillway of Feilaixia Project operates in complicated mode,unfavourable flow phenomenon causes vibration to peirs and gate chamber structure. 飞来峡水利枢纽溢流坝运行工况复杂,存在不利的水流现象,对闸墩和闸室结构产生振动作用,必须进行结构动力设计。
- Upon my permanent assignment to London, there began a series of meetings among the commanders concerned to examine into the detailed requirements of the projected operation. 在此长时驻留伦敦期间,我开始与各指挥官举行重要会议,商讨关于策划作战之细目。
- Owing to its sparsity of structure,new matrix greatly simplifies the projection operation during images reconstruction,which greatly improving the speed of reconstruction. 该矩阵由于其构成的非常稀疏性大大简化了图像重建过程中的投影计算,从而提高重建速度。
- The project operator must be transparent in the presentation of performance data that constitute the audit trail which sustain the determination of emission reductions. 项目的执行者必须透明陈述涵盖其佐证减排量确认的审核跟踪的绩效数据。
- If everyone does his part, the project will surely be a success. 如果大家都尽责,这个项目肯定会成功。
- He ventured on an ambitious project. 他冒险从事一项富有雄心的计画。
- In capital budgeting we replace the gambling strategy with a model of the project, and the roulette wheel with a model of the world in which the project operates. 在资本预算中,我们以一个项目的模型来代替赌博策略,一个项目运营所在的世界的模型来代替转盘。
- The research project was only a partial success. 那个研究课题只取得部分成功。
- Project operation cost status report 项目实施费用状态报告
- A new project is in contemplation. 一项新的工程正在规划中。
- Give me the gen on this new project. 把这新项目的资料给我。