- The bank has progressively increased its liquidity. 银行逐渐地增加其流动资产。
- This progressive increase in real income, of course, far outpaces the rise in population. 当然,实际收入的逐步增长远远超过人口的增长。
- In contrast to the placebo group a progressive increase of total and free TFPI was determined after the administration of the MPS cream. 与安慰剂组不同的是,多磺酸粘多糖乳膏组,总的和游离的组织因子旁路抑制因子(TFPI)水准持续增加。
- The developmental shares refer to those issued by the company with ever-growing economic potentiality. Their prices rise with the progressive increase of company funds. 成长股指经济潜力增长的公司所发行的股票,其价格虽公司资金的递增而上扬。
- In addition,progressive increase in PC antigen,FPS,DD levels and PC activity were observed in patients with uremic bleeding after hemodialysis treatment( P <0 05 or P <0 01). TM血透后明显降低 (P<0 .;0 0 1) ; 有出血并发症者血浆 PC:Ag、FPS、DD含量及 APC明显升高 (P<0
- Knowledge economy is based on knowledge. Under the condition of knowledge economy, the essence of human capital lies in the progressive increase of its reward. 知识经济是以知识为基础的经济,知识经济条件下人力资本的本质在于其报酬的递增性。
- The council's accreditation work on sub-degree programmes has been further expanded to support the Government's initiative to support the progressive increase in post-secondary education opportunities. 为配合政府逐步增加专上教育机会的目标,该局在副学位课程方面的评审工作进一步扩大。
- Results A progressive decline in CPV,VTI,DT,DBp and a progressive increase in AT with increasing de... 结论随着返流程度的增加,冠脉血供逐渐减少。
- Proposals should demonstrate a progressive increase in counterpart financing from 20% to 40% for UMI countries and from 10% to 20% for LMI countries over the proposed duration of the proposal. 来自中高收入国家和中低收入国家的项目申请需表明在项目周期内,配套资金分别由20%25增至40%25和由10%25增至20%25。
- Results:A progressive decline in CPV,VTI,CFR,DT,DBP and a progressive increase in AT with increasing degrees of acute aortic regurgitation were found. 结果:随着返流程度的增加,冠状动脉血流的CPV和VTI均逐渐降低,AT逐渐延长,DT逐渐缩短;DBP逐渐降低;
- With increasing of leisure time and income, a new trend of progressive increase in consumption on nonmaterial products occurs. 随着可支配收入和闲暇时间的增加,人们对非物质产品消费的比重出现快速递增的趋势。
- It is true that people there are always long and short term concerns, there is always a little plan with the issue of Keren in the know, sleep in the progressive increase in the accumulation of it. 诚然,人,总有远虑近忧,总有谋与略的问题,可人就在知、觉中逐步提高、积累的呀。
- Review of the vitals is noteworthy for a progressive increasing pulse and respiratory rate during the night. 住院医生迅速复查了这名患者,先是肺部听诊,然后检查患者咽喉部。
- This study successively and systematically investigated the hormone level of HPG axis during progressive increasing load volume exercise and recovery process. 对递增负荷运动过程中及恢复期大鼠HPG轴功能激素水平进行了连续、系统的动态观察。
- The so-called nine progressive increases may the divisor be this kind of number: This number with to 1 to 9 these nine digital compositions, each numeral just only appears time. 九位累进可除数.;rar - 求九位累进可除数。所谓九位累进可除数就是这样一个数: 这个数用到1到9这九个数字组成,每个数字刚好只出现一次。
- a general and progressive increase in prices. 价格全面的、逐步的上涨。
- Could this verb be used in progressive form? 这个动词可以用进行式吗?
- Progressively increasing dosage of DDC induced pancreatic fibrosis in rats. DDC递增法诱导大鼠胰腺纤维化动物模型的研究
- Progressive increase in ice loss from Greenland 格陵兰冰损失逐渐增加
- She is the most progressive writer of those times. 她是那个时代最进步的作家。