- Surely, the long unreal ride some progress of disease that had brought him to these gloomy shades! 毫无疑问,那漫长的荒唐旅行不过是一种日益加重的沉疴,是它带他到了这阴暗的地方的。
- The natural history of disease refers to the progress of a disease in an individual over time. 疾病的自然史指疾病在个体的自然发展过程。
- Ealier treating and selecting drug properly can prolong AS progress of disease, elevate patient s quality for their life and reduce disablity rate. 早期治疗和恰当的选用药物,可以延缓强直性脊柱炎的疾病进程,提高患者的生活质量,降低致残率。
- Several treatments are available that can delay the progress of disease for those with HIV and can also improve the quality of life of those who have developed symptoms. 有几种治疗方法可以延缓HIV 患者的病情恶化,还可以提高有症状的患者的生活质量。
- The mosquito is a transmitter of disease. 蚊子能传播疾病。
- Progression of disease was noted in 68% of cases with radiological follow-up. 影像学随访68%25患者进行性狭窄。
- After the scourge of war came the scourge of disease. 战乱之后瘟疫又接踵而来。
- Red tape has delayed the progress of our program. 官僚作风延迟了我们计划的进展。
- The basic theory reasearch and clinical technology have improved greatly along with the progress of modern science and technology,which offers a broad area to treat this kind of disease by combination with TCM and western medicine. 随着现代医学科学技术的进步,这一领域的基础理论研究及临床诊治技术都有了较大的发展,为中西医结合治疗甲状腺疾病提供了广阔的思路和空间。
- Mussolini and his group set back the progress of Italy many years. 墨索里尼一伙使意大利倒退了好多年。
- A healthy animal, free of disease; free from need. 没有疾病的健康动物; 自给自足
- Scientists are carefully charting the progress of the spacecraft. 科学家密切跟踪航天器的运行。
- Leprosy is a kind of disease affecting the skin and nerves. 麻风病是一种影响皮肤和神经的疾病。
- To stop the progress of(a disease, for example). 抑制病情抑制(如疾病)的发展
- If I had my way I'd make health catching instead of disease. 如果我可以随心所欲的话,我就会不让疾病而让健康来传染我了。
- Similarly, the progression of disease was higher among those subjects taking the ACE inhibitors or other cardiovascular medications. 同样,服用ACE抑制剂或其他心血管药物的患者疾病的发展进程较快。
- Loss of strength or vigor, usually because of disease. 体力衰弱通常由于疾病而导致的力量或精力的丧失
- The probation officer reported on the progress of the two young criminal. 监督缓刑官员对两个青少年犯的进步作了汇报。
- Outbreaks of disease occurred in the wake of the drought. 那场旱灾过後疾病丛生。
- During the initiation and progression of disease, minute quantities of a product in small populations of cells or tissues may be vital for the pathogenesis of the disease. 在启动和进展病钟小种群数量的产品,可对细胞或组织中的发病疾病。