- Samples provide a good way of seeing how a particular programming task has been implemented in code. 通过示例可以了解如何使用代码实现特定的编程任务。
- Simplifies the programming task and provides for an operator-friendly, it's easy to setup machine operation. 所有这些简化了编程任务,提供了用户简易界面,更容易设定机器的操作程式。
- But to understand what is most special about text processing as a programming task, it is worth turning to Perl creator Larry Wall's cardinal virtues of programming: laziness, impatience, hubris. 但是为了理解对于文本处理编程任务中的特殊之处,非常值得体会一下Perl的发明人LarryWall的编程基本道德:懒惰、无耐心、傲慢。
- This page links to help on widely used Visual Basic programming tasks. 此页链接到有关大量使用的Visual Basic编程任务的帮助。
- Every local APIC has a programmable task priority register (TPR), which is used to compute the priority of the currently running process. 每个局部APIC有一个TPR寄存器(可编程任务优先级寄存器),它用来计算当前运行进程的优先级。
- Provides links to categorized lists of Help topics that address key programming tasks. 提供指向帮助主题的分类列表的链接,这些帮助主题解决关键的编程任务。
- One of the most common database programming tasks is calculating, retrieving, and manipulating dates. 最常见的数据库编程任务之一是计算、检索和处理日期。
- One way of parceling programming tasks may be more or less efficient than another. 给编程任务打包的某个方法的效率可能高于或低于另一个。
- The folks at Archimedes wanted to spend their time thinking about levers and pulleys, but instead spent a lot of time on mundane programming tasks. 阿基米得的家伙们打算花时间思考杠杆与滑轮[问题],但是变成了浪费大部份时间在世俗的编程工作上。
- Provides an overview of the programmable task pane called the actions pane, and describes the advantages of using the actions pane over current smart document development. 提供对可编程任务窗格(称为操作窗格)的概述,并描述在当前智能文档开发中使用操作窗格的诸多好处。
- With our trusty editor, we are ready to tackle any number of UNIX-related administration or programming tasks with ease. 有了可信赖的编辑器,我们可以轻松处理任何数量与UNIX有关的管理或编程任务。
- Contains links to topics that demonstrate code and show how to perform common programming tasks in Windows Forms applications. 包含指向一些主题的链接,这些主题演示代码以及如何在Windows窗体应用程序中执行常见的编程任务。
- You can then explore Access Developer Help and discover new commands to help you accomplish the programming tasks that you want. 然后您可以浏览“Access开发人员帮助”并查找帮助您完成编程任务的新命令。
- Instead of sociabilities, it seemed that there had been more numerous discussions related to programming tasks in two-girl pair. 女女配对学习程式设计似乎能有较多聚焦于任务相关之讨论。
- Server Explorer lists database connections; Object Browser displays the symbols available to use in a project; Task List lists user-defined programming tasks; and Error List provides detailed descriptions of errors. 服务器资源管理器列出数据库连接;对象浏览器显示可用于项目的符号;任务列表列出用户定义的编程任务;错误列表提供详细的错误说明。
- They improve performance, type safety and quality, reduce repetitive programming tasks, simplify the overall programming model, and do so with elegant, readable syntax. 它们可以提高性能、类型安全和质量,减少重复性的编程任务,简化总体编程模型,而这一切都是通过优雅的、可读性强的语法完成的。
- Part 2 of this series examines in more detail how to program Scheme macros and how they can make your large-scale programming tasks significantly easier. 本系列文章的第2部分将详细介绍如何编写Scheme宏,以及如何使用这些宏来极大地简化大型编程任务。
- Thus, you can write a note to yourself that explains what a particular section of your program does, or that reminds you to finish uncompleted programming tasks. 因此,您可以为自己写一个说明,解释程序的某个特定部分的作用,或提醒自己完成某些尚未完成的编程任务。
- At the heart of Distributed Object Computing are Object Requests Broker(ORB), which automate many tedious and error-prone distributed programming tasks. 对象请求代理(Object Request Broker,ORB)是分布对象计算的心脏,它使得许多麻烦而易错的分布式编程任务得以自动化。
- With an abstract data type we cleanly separate the programming tasks of implementation and usage: we are well on our way to decompose a large system into smaller modules. 通过抽象数据类型我们干净地把实现和使用两种编程任务分开:我们在把一个大系统分成小模块的道路上顺利前行。