- A part of a program' s workspace that is used to hold inputs and outputs. 程序工作区的一部分,用于保存输入输出数据。
- The slightly better, but still ineffective, method is to mention it in the program’s main online help system. 稍好一点,但仍然没有多大用的方法是在程序的在线帮助系统中提及途径。
- The View menu should contain all options that influence the way a user looks at the program’s data. 视图菜单可以包含影响用户查看程序数据的所有选项。
- As it developed, controls on it began to reflect the state of the program’s data. 随着发展,工具栏控件开始反映程序数据的状态。
- Program s designed to allow the computer to manage its own resources are called systems software. 为使计算机管理本身资源而设计的程序称为系统软件。
- Network to chat in small routines, which the network chat program s basic functions. 网络对聊小例程,里面程序实现了网络聊天的基本功能。
- Persistent objects, in a desktop world, always include the program’s windows. Each application most likely has a main, top-level window. 在桌面世界里,持久对象始终包括程序的窗口,每个程序都可能有一个主要的顶层窗口。
- Unexpected changes to a program’s menus can deeply reduce users’ trust in them. This is true for menu items as well as for individual menus. 对程序菜单做出用户预料之外改变会大幅度地减少用户对它们的信任,对菜单项和单独的菜单而言都是这样。
- Your program’s posture is part of its behavioral foundation, and whatever aesthetic choices you make should be in harmony with this posture. 程序的姿态是其行为的基础,不管在审美上如何选择,都应该和产品的姿态和谐一致。
- As a program’s code grows during development, programmers detect numerous situations where they don’t feel that they can resolve issues adequately. 在开发过程中,随着程序代码的增加,程序员会发现大量感到不能充分解决问题的地方。
- In the world of software, a program’s represented model can (and often should) be quite different from the actual processing structure of the program. 在软件世界里,程序的表现模型可以(也常常应该)与程序的工作结构迥然不同。
- An alert notifies a user of the program’s action, whereas a confirmation also gives a user the authority to override that action. 警告通知用户程序的行为,而确认给用户赋予一种忽略该行为的权力。
- The great strength of menus is their completeness and verbosity. Everything a user needs can be found somewhere on the program’s menus. 菜单最大的优点在于其完备性和详细说明,用户所需的一切都可以在程序菜单中找到。
- A tray program s source code, VC environment compiled through, in order to want to learn tray procedures friends on the fast together. 一个托盘程序的源代码,VC环境下编译通过,为想要学习托盘程序的朋友上了一道快餐。
- In this paper,we present the application and the program s implementation of telemedicine consultation systems in our hospital. 本文介绍了远程医疗会诊系统在医院中的应用、主要作用及在我院的实现方案。
- The new technology, which will blur any human face recorded by Street View cameras, is debuting first on the program’s Manhattan map system. 新技术,这将模糊任何人脸所录得的街查看相机,是首次亮相首先就程序的曼哈顿地图系统。
- Instead of asking in advance with a confirmation dialog box, on those rare occasions when the program’s actions were out of turn, let the user issue the Stop-and-Undo command. 在那些罕见的情况下,当程序行为不合时宜时,让用户发起停止并撤销的命令,取代预先用确认对话框提问的方式。
- Your program’s behavior is part of its brand, and your user’s experience with your product should reflect the proper balance of form, content, and behavior. 软件的行为是品牌的一部分,用户对产品的体验反映的是形式、内容和行为的合理平衡。
- They are a fine example of interrogation tactics on the program’s part, and violate the design principle: Provide choices, don’t ask questions (see Chapter 10). 它是由程序做出询问的一个很好例子,它们违背了设计原则,即提问不等同于提供选择(见第10章)。
- You can leave it this way or drag it to any edge of the program’s main window, where it will convert back to a toolbar and become docked against the edge. 你可以不必理会它,让它保持这样,或者将其拖动到程序主窗口的任何一边。 在那里它又变成工具栏,停靠在窗口一边。