- programmed logic unit 程序控制逻辑单元
- The CLB is the basic logic unit in an FPGA. CLB是FPGA内的基本逻辑单元。
- In a computer, a functional unit that interprets and executes instructions. Note: A processor consists of at least an instruction control unit and an arithmetic and logic unit. 计算机中,解释并执行指令的一种功能单元。注:处理器至少包含有一个指令控制器和一个算术与逻辑运算器。
- While the program logic is preserved, the names become nonsense. 虽然保留了程序逻辑,但名称变得无法解读。
- Fold knowledge into data so program logic can be stupid and robust. 表达的原则:把自己的认识放到数据里,那么程序逻辑就可以虽乏味但健壮。
- Nevertheless, the program logic can be reverse engineered. 但是,程序逻辑还是可以进行反向工程处理。
- Spend a few minutes understanding the program logic. 花一些时间来理解程序逻辑。
- A transaction is a logical unit of work. 事务是一个逻辑工作单元。
- programmable logic unit [计] 可编程序逻辑部件
- Comparison operators can also be used in program logic to look for a condition. 比较运算符还可用于在程序逻辑中查找条件。
- ALU: Arithmetic Logic Unit; the circuitry within the CPU which performs all arithmetic functions. 算术逻辑运算器:执行运算功能的中央处理器内的线路。
- The CPU has two main parts: (1)the control unit and (2) the arithmetic / logic unit. 中央处理器有两个主要部分:(1)控制单元,(2)算术逻辑单元。
- ALU Arithmetic Logic Unit; the circuitry within the CPU which performs all arithmetic functions. 运算法则一个系统的方法或等式,它是为了使一个问题在有限多的步骤内被解决而被设计。
- program logical unit 程序逻辑单元
- A program application that may consist of several steps but is performed as a single logical unit. 作业一种程序应用,可能包括好几个步骤,但作为一个单一的逻辑单位实施
- Rule of Representation: Fold knowledge into data so program logic can be stupid and robust. 表示准则:将知识包入数据,程序可以笨拙和健壮。
- If your program logic depends on any of that additional code, you should probably avoid short-circuiting operators. 如果程序逻辑依赖于任何这些附加代码,您可能应该避免使用短路运算符。
- In a computer,a functional unit that interprets and executes instructions. Note: A processor consists of at least an instruction control unit and an arithmetic and logic unit. 计算机中,解释并执行指令的一种功能单元。注:处理器至少包含有一个指令控制器和一个算术与逻辑运算器。
- The copper clad laminate automation system is designed and realized by using Program Logic Controler(PLC). 摘要简要阐述了用可编程控制器(PLC)实现对铜箔覆胶机自动控制的方法。
- In ACF/VTAM, a request to a logical unit (LU) to establish a session. 在IBM的通信系统软件ACF/VTAM中,为建立一个话路而给某个逻辑单元(lu)发出的一种请求。