- program for talented people 人才规划
- The coordinative development of medical science is to be obtained with both other disciplines of sciences and the society's demand for talented people. 实现医学学科与其他学科之间的协调发展和培养社会所需要的人才达到医学教育的协调发展;
- High-quality talented people in finance and management have become a focus in banking competition for talent, which needs banks inspirit personnel's potentials in these aspects. 高素质的金融人才和管理人才日益成为银行业人才竞争的焦点,这就需要对员工所具有的潜力进行激励。
- As in the new situation the competition of countries is the competition for talented people,the mission for universities to foster intellects counts for more. 在新形势下,国家的竞争往往是人才的竞争,而高校所担负的培养高素质人才的重任显得尤为突出。
- What's the program for tomorrow? 明天有什么节目?
- Global scan of competition for talented people 全球人才竞争态势扫描
- What is the program for tomorrow? 明天计划做什么?
- Theory of Relativity for Talented People 人才相对论
- incentive mechanism for talented people 人才激励机制
- Chance for the Talent People, and Excellence for the Chance! 希望大家给以点评,谢谢!
- You need a program for your treatment. 您需要为您的治疗制订个计划。
- Clearly the woman has a nose for talent. 很明显,这个女人很能发现人才。
- We do have talented people who have been stifled. 我们不是没有人才,而是被按住了。
- I have a full program for my visit to London. 我访问伦敦的日程安排得满满的。
- PASS is the Program for Africa's Seed Systems. pass项目全称非洲种子系统工程。
- True. Many talented people never make it big. He needs to be prepared for that. 对。很多有天赋的人从来就成不了大事。他必须有这方面的心理准备。
- He figured out his program for the day to a nicety. 他已经巧妙地排下了一天的工作程序。
- We have no lack of talented people. 人才是有的。
- Can he design a program for me in a short time? 他能在短时间内为我设计出一个程序吗?
- The Social Need for Talented People and the Reform of PE Teaching in College 社会发展对人才的需求与高校体育改革