- The name of the label at which to continue program execution. 继续程序执行的位置处的标签名称。
- In IBM VSE, the basic unit of synchronous program execution. 在IBM的操作系统VSE中,同步程序执行的基本单位。
- A complete cycle, i.e. input, processing, output, of a program execution. 程序执行的一个完整的周期,其中包括输入、处理和输出。
- Gets or sets the name of the label at which to continue program execution. 获取或设置程序继续执行处的标签名称。
- Statement halts program execution and displays text to the Web browser. 语句会中止程序执行,并在Web浏览器上显示文本。
- To control program execution, set breakpoints, which are places where the script halts execution. 若要控制程序执行,请设置断点,断点是脚本停止执行的地方。
- Hitting this point performs a specified action but does not break program execution. 命中此点则执行指定的操作,但不中断程序的执行。
- The remainder of the new code is event handlers for things that happen during program execution. 新代码剩下的问题是事件处理程序,用于处理在程序执行过程中所碰到的。
- The scripts, in turn, should allow you to orchestrate and coordinate program execution across the grid. 这些脚本将可以让您对程序在网格上的执行进行协调。
- Property to indicate the name of the label at which to continue program execution. 属性,使之指示从其继续执行程序的标签的名称。
- That Internet Information Services property determines what level of program execution is allowed. 此Internet信息服务属性确定允许的程序执行级别。
- Also, the program execution may continue for quite some time before any problems are discovered. 而且,在发现问题之前,程序可能会继续执行相当长的一段时间。
- Statements allow you to start and stop event handling at any time during program execution. 语句使您可以在程序执行过程中的任何时候启动和停止事件处理。
- A profiling technique that involves taking snapshots of program execution at intervals. 涉及以一定间隔拍摄程序执行快照的分析技术。
- A register and circuitry which automatically maintains time in conventional time units for use in program execution and event initiation. 一个寄存器及有关电路,能自动保持按日常的时间单位表示的时间,用于程序的执行过程中和初启某些事件。
- Unlike true interrupts, they occur synchronously with respect to program execution. 不象真实的中断,那些中断在不防碍程式执行时同步发生。
- A stack that may be used for program execution nesting, do-loop execution, temporary storage, and other purposes. 回归堆:也许被使用为程式执行嵌套、做圈施行、临时储藏,和其它目的堆。
- Other segments can be made available by loading their segment selectors into these registers during program execution. 要想使用其它的段,可以在程序运行时把这个段选择子载入段寄存器中。
- In COBOL,to reuse the same storage area for different data items during program execution by employing proper instructions in the data program. 在COBOL中, 在程序执行时重复使用同一存储区域来存放不同的数据项,这是利用数据程序中的适当指令做到的。
- Complementing the compute virtualization conventions specified by program execution services are the services that make up grid data services. 对程序执行服务所规定的计算虚拟化约定形成补充的,是构成网格数据服务的服务。