- He soon fell asleep with weariness. 他疲倦地很快就睡着了。
- She fainted from sheer weariness. 她纯粹是因为劳累而晕倒的。
- He was in a state of profound shock. 他深受震惊。
- Clearness ornament, profound thought. 清晰的表述能为深刻的思想增辉。
- Our professor is a man of profound learning. 我们的教授是一个学识渊博的人。
- profound weariness 极深的厌恶情绪
- They listened to the speaker with profound interest. 他们怀着浓厚的兴趣聆听着演讲者。
- He pressed me profound in his respecting and loving to his mother. 他对他的母亲的敬爱给了我深刻的印象。
- Strange creatures live in the profound depths of the ocean. 大洋深处生活着奇异的生物。
- The rape of the countryside had a profound ravage on them. 对乡村的掠夺给他们造成严重创伤。
- Weariness pervaded his whole body. 他全身疲倦。
- A little wariness prevents great weariness. 一点点的谨慎避免莫大的疲劳。
- Her parents' divorce had a profound effect on her life. 她父母的离异对她的生活有很深的影响。
- They were done with hunger and weariness. 他们又累又饿。
- Strange creatures live in the profound depth of the ocean. 在大洋深处生活著一些奇怪的生物。
- The teacher had both extensive knowledge and profound scholarship. 先生的学问博大精深。
- Too much change creates weariness and resentment. 过多的改变会造成疲倦和愤怒。
- He turned away with a sense of utter weariness. 他疲惫不堪地转身走开了。
- He uncovered layer on layer of hidden weariness. 他隐藏着的厌烦一层一层地暴露出来了。
- A profound melancholy seized her. 一阵极度的凄伤袭上她的心头。