- Profit Center for Food Service Industry. 是集中为食品加工业提供全面服务的网站。
- Together, they pioneered the world's first profit center. 他们一起开创了世界上第一个赢利中心。
- Internal Auditing Department: Cost Center or Profit Center? 内部审计部门:成本中心抑或利润中心?
- The key point is to create new commercial model and profit center. 目标是建立新的商业模式和实现利润中心的平移。
- So the chains generally buy the drug for less than Medicare reimburses, making the drug a profit center. 这样一来,中心购入药物的价格低于医疗保障的偿付,使该药物成为利润的制造中心。
- In short, how do you make MU a profit center while achieving its corporate objectives? 简而言之,您怎样让销摩托罗拉大学成为一个利润中心,又能达成企业的目标?
- Profit center [accounting] A responsibility center which accumulates revenues as well as costs. 利润中心[会计学]指积累成本和收入的责任中心。
- But it only controls costs and revenues related to the profit center other than those of the entire organization. 但是它只能控制与其相关的成本和收入,而不能控制企业全部的成本和收入。
- Contribution margin is the excess of revenue of the profit center over all variable costs of those sales. 边际贡献是指利润中心的销售收入减去售出产品的全部变动成本后的余额。
- It is not easy to determine how to measure performance in a profit center exist. 可见,确定如何衡量现有的利润中心的绩效是不容易的事情。
- This is a significant profit center for these companies due to the high mark-up charged to the shipper. 这是一个重要的利润中心,这些企业由于高加价收取托运人。
- Such goods must be priced so that the profit center manager has incentives to trade with other unite when it is in the organization's best interests. 此类商品必须定价以便利润中心经理在保证企业最大利益的同时有动力和其他部门进行交易。
- Other special coding is available for reporting purposes including such user-defined fields as division and profit center. 还有其他特殊的编码,以便报告这样的用户自定义区域包括区号和利润中心。
- Our firm is likely to reap a big profit this year. 今年我们公司很可能获得巨额利润。
- During number assignment for organizational units in the controlling area ( cost center, profit center, etc.), keep the possible addition of other company codes in mind as you work. 当你在为管理会计区域中的组织单元分配数字时(如成本中心,利润中心等),别忘了可能要加上别的公司代码。
- Each one of these profit centers uses up company resources (land, labour, money) and should be making a profit. 每个利润中心使用公司资源(土地、劳力、资金)并且产生利润。
- To instill a feeling of responsibility for the financial performance of their profit centers in the Department heads. 使部门总监建立起为作为利润中心的本部门的财务状况负责的责任心。
- Managers of profit centers have more autonomy and responsibility for decision making than do managers of cost centers or revenue centers. 利润中心的经理比成本中心和收入中心的经理在经营决策方面有更多自主权和责任。
- Often, profit centers are evaluated by means of contribution margin income statements, in terms of meeting revenues and costs objectives. 通常利用边际贡献报表,根据是否达到收入和成本的目标来衡量利润中心的绩效。
- However, most profit centers have costs (and perhaps revenues) in common with other units. The organization faces a cost allocation problem. 然而,许多利润中心和其他部门有共同的成本(也许有收入),企业必须面对成本分配问题。