- Over the process, changes also happened in the productive mode, life style, communicative manners, and theological conceptions. 在演变的过程中,生产方式、生活方式、交往方式以及思想观念都发生了不同程度的变化。
- Switch the tablet press from set up to production mode. 压片置于生产模式。
- The time cycle starts with switching into production mode. 启动时进入生产模式。
- Green products plan is but the start of durative production mode. 绿色产品设计是可持续性生产模式的起点。
- This paper stated productive technology, productive modes, productive equipments and technical requirement and managemental patterns of Auricularia auricular with full-light cultivation. 摘要本文对北方黑木耳的生产工艺、生产方式、生产设备、技术要求、全光栽培管理方式等要点进行了阐述。
- Mass customization is a kind of product mode which is to organically combine tbe customization product mode and mass product mode according to the individual customers(needs. 摘要大批量定制是面向客户需求,把定制生产和大量生产有机地结合起来的一种生产方式。
- The deduster starts working as long as the tablet press is in production mode. 压片在生产模式下除尘器工作。
- If productive mode of Ford had pushed America forward the Auto Time, we can say, without any doubt, VC could be considered as a large engine to promote America to lead the Information Time. 如果说福特生产方式直接推动美国走进了汽车年代,那么风险投资机制则无疑是推动美国走在信息时代前列的巨大引擎。
- The production modes in the “Red Mountain Culture” region have undergone two significant changes. “红山文化”区域生产方式经历了农牧交替的两次重大转变。
- Rural legal culture is the combination of legal concepts, consciousness and knowledge based on rural productive mode, with the farmers as the main body and the rural community as the standpoint. 摘要农村法文化是以农村社会生产方式为基础,以农民为主体,以农村社区为立场而构造的法律观念、意识、知识的结合。
- Compared with the strategy of developing a product at one time, product family development strategy based on product platform adapts to the product mode of mass customization, and is better. 与一次只开发一个单独产品的策略相比,基于平台的产品族开发战略适应于大规模定制的生产模式,在大规模客户化定制中的优点是明显的。
- Large-piece OKP is one of the typical production modes of large enterprise groups whose production planning and control(PPC) is an important part of enterprise management. 摘要大型单件小批生产是大型企业集团的典型生产模式之一,这类企业的生产计画与控制是企业管理的重要组成部分。
- Advanced manufacture is now sharply change the product structure and production mode of the traditional manufacture, including the mold manufacture field. 先进制造业正在急剧地改变着传统制造业的产品结构和生产模式,注塑模具制造业也不例外。
- In production mode, you can change only the settings that will not affect the data that is produced by the step. 在生产模式下,只能修改不影响该步骤所生成的数据的设置。
- However, the traditional production mode does not fit the market nor meet the needs of customers. 但传统生产模式不再适应市场经济的需求,不能满足客户的要求。
- The new product became a goldmine for the company. 该项新产品成了该公司的聚宝盆。
- A blowing pulse will be carried out for 9 times after the tablet press is switched from set up to production mode. 压片开关设置为生产模式,完成9次脉冲吹出。
- The main gate switches 10 times to the bad channel after the tablet press is switched from set up to production mode. 主通道开关置于10次不合格通道后,把压片开关设定于生产模式。
- I can't say I'm at all pleased by your product. 我不能说对你们的产品满意。
- To activate the schedule and the task flow links, you must promote steps to production mode. 为了激活时间表和任务流链接,必须将步骤升级到生产模式。