- productive infection cell 有效感染细胞, 增殖性感染细胞
- HCMV and/or HHV 6 productive infection are fatal to recipients. 提示术后HHV?6和/或HCMV感染是移植成败的关键之一
- The patients who died within 3 months were all complicated by HCMV and/or HHV 6 productive infection. 早期死亡病例100%25有HCMV和/或HHV?6感染。
- SDS-PAGE and Western blot analysis using the infection cells showed that the band of 25 kD was particular to pGH gene product. 感染重组病毒的细胞可溶性蛋白SDS PAGE和Western blot分析结果显示 ,感染细胞蛋白电泳带的 2 5kD处有 1条猪生长激素特异带。
- productively infected cell 产生完整病毒的细胞
- The dosage was geared down to a level which would work on the infected cells but not upset their metabolism. 药剂量要减少到既能对受感染细胞起作用,又不损害它们的代谢作用。
- The dosage was geared down to a level which would work on the infected cells but not upset their normal metabolism. 药量已被减低到某一水平,既足以对付受感染的细胞,又不会干扰正常的新陈代谢。
- Perforin and granzyme are important effector molecules in cytolytic cells.They can induce apoptosis of tumor cells and infection cells. 穿孔素和颗粒酶是细胞毒性细胞两类重要的效应分子,能导致被病原体感染的细胞和肿瘤细胞发生凋亡。
- But chlamydiae somehow compel their entry vacuoles to avoid lysosomes, enabling the bacteria to proliferate freely while separated physically from the rest of the infected cell. 不过,披衣菌却有办法让进入细胞的囊泡避开溶小体,使披衣菌与受感染细胞的其他部份隔离,而能自由增殖。
- The butter-like material only melts when it hits the respiratory tract, leaving the virus free to infect cells - a process scientists say is like an M &M melting in the mouth. 一项最新研究发现,流感病毒表面包有一层脂肪保护外壳,这种外壳十分坚硬,能抵御严寒。
- The infected cells then migrate to other areas of the body. 受感染的细胞接着转移到身体的其他部位。
- Specific bright yellow green flurescene was observed in the plasmas of infected cell by indirect fluorescent antibody test. 用间接荧光抗体试验在细胞浆中观察到特异性黄绿色荧光;
- A virus will remain relatively safe from immune destruction if it remains within the cell and allows only very low or no viral antigen expression on the infected cell membrane. 如果病毒一直在细胞内并且只有很少或几乎无抗原表达到感染细胞膜上。
- The product infection of high-perssure brine spray injection 高压盐水喷雾注射对注射产品质量的影响
- As peptide glycoproteins react with viral particles leaving infected cells. 作为离开被感染细胞的病毒粒子起作用的胜肽聚醣蛋白。
- With the expansion of infection in HIV-positive children and to accept blood products infected with HIV will also be characterized mouth. 随着感染范围的扩大,在HIV阳性的儿童和接受血液制品的HIV感染者也会出现口腔表征。
- HIV replication kills productively infected CD4+ T lymphocytes and innocent bystander cells. 复制的HIV病毒杀死了被感染的CD+T淋巴细胞及相应的组织。
- The new product became a goldmine for the company. 该项新产品成了该公司的聚宝盆。
- After that, the study subjects were quarantined for six days and given cold-virus-containing nose drops at a dose about 125 times the amount that it takes to infect cells in a laboratory. 在那之后;对研究对象进行检疫(有)六天和在一剂量上给出含有感冒病毒的滴鼻药水总数的大约125倍它带着其在一间实验室传染细胞.
- The rhinovirus has a genome of about 7,000 chemical units, which encode the information to make the 10 proteins that do everything the virus needs to infect cells and make more viruses. 鼻病毒基因组有大约7000个碱基,编码10种蛋白质,用于感染细胞和复制更多的病毒。