- productive force of influence “影响力生产力”
- If the knowledge and skills of all talents in the society could be converged on respective target posts, the core productive force of the society would be promoted greatly. 如果能把整个社会每个人才的知识和技能聚焦到各自的目标岗位上,整个社会的核心生产力就大大提高了,这是多么丰硕的成果啊!
- In order duly to estimate the influence which liberty of thought and conscience has on the productive forces of nations,we need only read the history of England and then that of Spain. 思想与意识的自由对国家生产力影响很大,要在这方面获得适当估计,只须看一看英国的然后再看一看西班牙的历史。
- Productive forces are the most dynamic and the most revolutionary factor. It is also the ultimate decisive force of social development. 生产力是最活跃最革命的因素,是社会发展的最终决定力量。
- Napoleon conquered by the force of an iron will. 拿破仑攻无不克靠的是坚强的意志。
- Mr. Smith is a man of influence in this town. 史密斯先生是这个镇上有权势的人物。
- In the new economic phase,knowledge will no longer be society's "upper construct". It will replace capital,infrastructure and materials as the most important productive force of the society. 在新的经济阶段里,知识将不再是社会的“上层建筑”,将取代资金、设备和材料而成为社会的第一生产力。
- The destructive force of the storm is huge. 暴风雨的破坏力是巨大的。
- Range or scope of influence or effect. 影响力产生影响或效果的范围或领域
- Beiyang Navy is the earliest naval force of China. 北洋水师是中国最早的海军部队。
- A trusted man of influence may be able to hold a mob in check. 一位既有影响力又得到人信任的人也许可以能够制止住一群暴徒。
- For a long time we neglected the development of the productive forces of the socialist society. 我们在一个长时期里忽视了发展社会主义社会的生产力。
- Under the rule of imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat-capitalism, the productive forces of the old China grew very slowly. 旧中国在帝国主义、封建主义和官僚资本主义的统治下,生产力的发展一直是非常缓慢的。
- The force of his fall was broken by the straw mat. 草垫的缓冲作用减弱了他下跌的力量。
- So the slaveholder increases by slave-breeding the sum of his values of exchange, but he ruins the productive forces of future generations. 因此奴隶主由于奴隶的繁殖,他所占有的交换价值有了增加,但后代的生产力却被他所毁灭。
- What is the force of gravity at sea level? 海平面的地球引力多大?
- The force of his fall was broken by the straw mats. 草垫的缓冲作用减弱了他下跌的力量。
- So the slaveholder increases by slave-breeding the sum of his values of exchange,but he ruins the productive forces of future generations. 因此奴隶主由于奴隶的繁殖,他所占有的交换价值有了增加,但后代的生产力却被他所毁灭。
- He pulverized the opposition with the force of his oratory. 他能言善辩把对方驳得体无完肤。
- That woman wields a lot of influence. 那个女人是一个很有影响力的人。