- I am responsible for product distribution. 我负责产品销售。
- I'm reponsible for product distribution. 我负责产品分销。
- Some experience in product distribution. 略具产品销售的经验。
- Select reasonable transportation mode and route to ensure product distribution. 正确选择合理的运输方式和线路,确保产品的配送;
- And an aquatic product distributing center. 和海水产品集散地。
- More reasonable chains of production, sales and supplies by means of the production distribution from south to north. 根据公司发展需要,合理规划生产布局,优化产业供应链。
- Production distribution through-train, is the pillar enterprises in Jixi City, the large taxpayer. 产运销一条龙,是鸡西市财政支柱企业,纳税大户。
- Micromixing has a great influence on the product distribution of complicated and fast reaction. 微观混合指的是物料从湍流分散后的最小微团(Kolmogorov尺度)到分子尺度上的均匀化过程,这种小尺度上的均匀化过程对精细化工、制药等工业过程中经常涉及到的快速复杂反应有着重要影响。
- There will be a growing need for people who can understand and fix systems -- from computer systems to product distribution systems to plumbing systems. 今后将越来越需要在计算机、产品推销和管道系统等方面既懂理论又有实践经验的人。
- Software vendors and distributors of popular programs are invited to take advantage of LingoWare's Product Distribution program. 欢迎软件售主和普及程序的经销商来利用LingoWare的产品分发程序。
- The agreements provide for product distribution and technology development and engineering services between the two companies. 协议为双方就产品分销与技术开发及工程服务订立了合作安排。
- Main: production Distribution glassware, glass apparatus, to hold all kinds of paper flowers glass, ceramics and paper flowers to customers like processing and production. 主营:生产经销玻璃器皿、玻璃仪器,承接各种玻璃花纸、陶瓷花纸及客户来样加工、制作。
- The experimental value at C 1 is larger than that in ASF product distribution, but the value at C 2 is lower than that in ASF plot. 产物分布通常在C1处和C2 处偏离ASF分布 ;呈现C1处偏高而C2 处偏低的情况 .
- DOCP L is suitable to processing of paraffine based FCC feedstocks.Catalyst content has great influence on product distribution and quality. 它适用于石蜡基原料,催化剂含量对产品分布和产品性能有很大的影响。
- This paper reported that the product distribution of photosensitized oxygenation of carene by aromatic cyanide are related to solvent and sensitizers. 本文报道蒈烯在不同溶剂中光敏氧化反应产物的组成和分布及其与溶剂及敏化剂性质的关系。
- The effects of component impregnation sequence on catalytic performance and product distribution for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis are studied. 采用浸渍法制备钴基催化剂,考察了催化剂组分浸渍次序对其F-T合成反应性能和产物分布的影响。
- The paper focuses the analysis on subdividing product distribution, overall marketplace revenue, future marketplace and marketplace opportunity. 未来中国专业服务市场发展迅猛,成长性厂商应当把握市场机遇,实现服务功能的专业化转型和升级。
- Kingsoft is seeking cooperation in several areas, including product distribution, online game operations, or technical cooperation. 基于开放和双赢的原则,金山软件真诚地希望与您的公司进行任何形式的合作。
- Based on the production distribution optimization model for gas field development planning,a kind of self-adaptation genetic algorithm(AGA) was inducted for model resolution. 为了科学合理地制定油田开发规划方案,建立了随机油价下的油田开发规划优化模型。
- LI Haiying,ZHANG Shuting,ZHAO Xinhua.Influence of pyrogenation temperature of sewage sludge on product distribution[J].Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica,2006,27(8):835-840. [6]李海英;张书廷;赵新华.;城市污水污泥热解温度对产物分布的影响[J]