- Product mix: Most of them are plats and sheets. 产品:以板材为主。
- Manufacturers of oversupplied goods must be aided to alter their product mix. 必须资助那些长线产品的生产厂家,以使他们调整产品结构
- One Ring Roll Milling Line stopped last year 2005 due to change in product mix. 一条齿圈辊轧线,由于产品换型于2005年刚停产。
- Honeywell’s product mix includes a variety of specialty resins and films. 霍尼韦尔公司的产品组合包括各种特种树脂和薄膜。
- The product manager has overall product mix responsibility for the requirements. 产品经理从整体上负责针对需求来组合产品。
- Business has not only advanced in volume but also in quality as well as market and product mix. 除了生意额增长外,集团的业务组成质素,例如市场与产品组合均不断改良。
- Playhut's home grown "Playhut" brand offers a wide product mix, product interconnect ability and price value. “同乐和”品牌乐园为青少年儿童提供了广阔的产品组合、产品连结互动空间。
- Assume that Product Mix(SKU numbers)and number of SKUs will remain constant during the contract. 我理解是SKU数在合同期内不变,不知对不对?请大家指教。
- If hardware aspect product mix design, motherboard, mold, superficial craft and so on. 如硬件方面的产品结构设计、主板、模具、表面工艺等。
- Toyota's 'product mix is skewed and more focused on larger cars,' like its Camry and Crown models, he says. 他说,丰田的产品组合不够均衡,更侧重于大排量车,比如凯美瑞和皇冠。
- There are both advantages and weaknesses in the industrial structure and overstock and shortage in terms of product mix. 产业结构有长有短,产品结构有多有少。
- Profit margin was maintained stable as a result of constant enhancement of the product mix to offset unfavourable industry factors. 由于产品组合中加入了更多的高增值产品,以抵消行业的不利因素,部门的边际盈利保持平稳。
- The motors division was able to achieve a higher margin from a change of product mix to more high value-adding items during the six-month period. 集团并在此六个月期间调整了产品组合,生产更高增值产品,成功取得更佳边际利润。
- The fourth is that the study on the enterprise product mix adjustment from the side of theory is scarce and fragmentary, immethodical. 四是迄今为止理论界对企业产品结构调整问题的研究还是少之又少,有关产品结构方面的研究还只是零星、不成体系的。
- The product mix optimization based on TOC was solved by using Immune Algorithm (IA), and the TOC based IA was presented. 应用免疫算法求解约束理论产品组合优化问题,并提出了基于约束理论的免疫算法。
- Our sales department will carefully choose the product mix to be placed in the showroom according to each individual local situation. 我们的销售部门会根据不同的店面以及当地市场消费的具体情况,为您认真地挑选家具组合。
- The flour mills should readjust their product mix and create their unique product features in light of wheat sources and market conditions. 面粉企业应根据原料小麦的来源及市场情况,及时调整产品结构,做出产品特色;
- Various localities will be guided to develop regional and comparative advantages and readjust their product mix and quality structure of crops in line with market needs. 引导各地发挥区域比较优势,按照市场需求,调整种植业品种结构和品质结构。
- As a result, the motor division experienced a slight decrease in turnover, but a more optimum product mix helped generate a slight improvement in profit margin. 因此,摩打业务的营业额期内录得轻微下跌。然而,更有效益的产品组合却令边际利润得以改善。
- The American Beerage Association, which represents companies that make and sell nonalcoholic beerages, said it is working with schools to "improe the product mix" sold in schools. 美国饮料协会,代表了制造和销售不含酒精饮品的公司,表示他们正在努力与学校合作“发展混合产品”在学校出售。