- The results show that the penicillin titer of fermentation process optimized is increased by 22.88% compared with that of fermentation process not optimized. 此策略应用于青霉素发酵过程的优化控制,效价比没有实施优化控制策略的生产结果提高了22.;88%25。
- Good ability to build the teams and process optimization. 擅长团对建设和流程优化。
- Has consulted on process optimization approaches, tools and techniques. 参考流程优化方法、工具和技术。
- Flowchart: The symbol for flow chart, utilizing flowchart to process optimization. 流程图的符号,流程图的正确绘制及注意事项,如何利用流程图改善流程。
- The MTC forming is significant being a new procedure in process optimization and qulity control. 最后指出了模具温控成形技术是一种新的工艺优化和质量控制方法,有重要的研究意义。
- Implement process optimization and performance improvement project by introducing OE knowledge and tools. 运用OE知识和工具,实现工作流程的优化和绩效的改进。
- Both process optimization and synergetic work entail support from a powerful information system. 流程优化和协同作业都需要有强有力的信息系统的支持。
- VistaTEC has formed alliances with technology partners whose products are most relevant to the process optimization goals VistaTEC envisions. VistaTEC与技术合作伙伴结成联盟,因为他们的产品与VistaTEC愿景中程序优化的目标联系最紧密。
- Presentation: Wastewater Treatment Process Optimization and Case Study Mr. George Lee, President of BioChem Technology Inc. 污水处理运行工艺优化技术和案例研究研讨李肇芳先生,美商生化科技公司总裁。
- The DMOS software is successfully applied to industrial process optimization of the diesel oil hydrofining unit and the acrylonitrile reactor unit. 将DMOS工业优化软件成功地应用于柴油加氢精制装置及丙烯腈反应装置的生产优化。
- Pu Li,Harvey Arellano-Carcia, Gunter Wozny.Chance constrained programming approach to process optimization under uncertainty[J]. 张莉,唐万生,宋军.;概率准则下组合投资的整数规划模型[J]
- The process optimization for No.3 Billet Caster at Converter Plant which improves the production stability and strand quality has been introduced. 介绍转炉炼钢厂优化3号方坯连铸机的生产工艺,使生产稳定性提高,铸坯质量得到改善。
- The rebars measured up to national standards are produced based on the process optimization on minus tolerance of rebar at Medium-sized Steel Plant. 通过对中型轧钢厂螺纹钢负公差生产工艺的优化及生产过程的控制,生产出符合国家标准要求的螺纹钢;
- Virtual manufacturing (VM) provides a modeling and simulation environment from product design to product planning and process optimization. 虚拟制造(VM)为产品设计和生产过程的优化提供了集成的建模和仿真环境。
- In addition a number of antiviral drugs nevirapine calm by anti-cancer drugs also led him to develop successful, is in process optimization. 另外抗病毒药物奈韦拉平和多个抗肿瘤药物也都由他主导开发成功,正在工艺优化中。
- The result also shows that the OPA is a very useful technique for process optimization and quality control for continuous casting. 该工作也表明,OPA技术对指导连铸工艺优化、提高产品质量是十分有效的方法和监测工具。
- AZAPAGIC A ,CLIFT R.The application of life cycle assessment to process optimization [ J ] . Computers and Chemical Engineering,1999,23 : 1509 - 1516. 刘顺妮林宗寿.;硅酸盐水泥的生命周期评价方法初探[J]
- The realization approach of process optimization based on minimum RIP was fully illustrated by the optimization of HDA process. 通过对HDA过程的优化,详细阐明了基于相对影响潜值(RIP)最小的过程优化的实现过程。
- So HCT, HCR, HDSC become a research and development, process optimization and quality of the essential quality control tool. 使HCT、HCR、HDSC成为研究开发、工艺优化和质检质控的必不可少的工具。
- It is a leap in the process of cognition. 这是认识过程的一次飞跃。