- Distance between the process mean and the upper specification limit scaled using the capability sigma. 制程标准值与规格上限之间的差距,通常用在单边规格。
- Distance between the process mean and the lower specification limit scaled using the capability sigma. 制程标准值与规格下限之间的差距值。
- This paper studies the determination of the optimal process mean of truncated normal distribution under the asymmetrical Taguchi's loss function. 本文讨论了在不对称田口质量损失函数下截尾正态分布的最优过程均值的确定问题。
- The EWMA and GWMA control charts of residuals used to monitor simultaneously the process mean and/or variance are considered to evaluate how ARLs differ in each case. 残差值的EWMA与GWMA管制图被运用来监控制程的平均数与变异数并衡量其平均连串长度的差异。
- A simulation result also indicated that the GWMA control scheme is more sensitive than the EWMA control scheme to small shifts in an autocorrelated process mean and/or variance. 数值模拟的结果也显示,在侦测小偏移的制程平均数与变异数时,残差值的GWMA比EWMA管制图敏感。
- By solving the modified EMQ model, we can obtain both the optimum combination of EMQ and process mean in order to have the minimum total loss of society. 藉由求解修正的模式,我们可求得最佳组合的经济生产数量与制程平均数,以达成最小的社会总损失。
- Most applications of the EWMA control chart for monitoring processes depend on detecting shifts in the process mean. 摘要:先前有关指数加权移动平均(EWMA)管制图之研究大部份都针对制程平均值偏移进行监控。
- Distance between the process mean and the lower specification limit scaled using the process standard deviation. This index is not suitable for folded normal distribution, which is one-sided. 制程标准值与规格下限之间的差距值。但,这指针不适合交叉常态分配,因它是单边分配。
- Distance between the process mean and the upper specification limit scaled using the process standard deviation. This index is not suitable for folded normal distribution, which is one-sided. 制程标准值与规格上限之间的差距。但,这指针不适合交叉常态分配,因它是单边分配。
- The whole process means that your average mug is made with a lot of effort and a lot of cost. 整个制作过程意味着生产一般的咖啡杯要付出很多劳动和费用。
- This overwrite process means that if the VLAN does not exist in the new database, it is deleted from the switch. 这个覆写程序意味著如果VLAN不存在新的资料库,交换器将会把它删除。
- The colo claw fish's lethargic digestive process means it hunts less than the other underwater predators of Naboo's depths, but is no less terrifying. 寇罗爪鱼缓慢的消化过程显示牠比那卜深处其他水中掠食者进行猎食的次数要来得少,但不表示比较不可怕。
- It is a leap in the process of cognition. 这是认识过程的一次飞跃。
- A product of a document copying process. 文件复制过程的一种产品。
- The new process extracts oil from shale. 这一新过程可从页岩里提炼出石油。
- Processing means handling or manipulating the material that has been presented to the machine. 处理就是对放在机器中的材料进行控制或者变换。
- The project is not finished but is till in process. 该项工程尚未结束,仍在进行之中。
- I like to use conventional data, differ with the past again on use method and processing means. 我喜欢运用传统材料,在使用方法和处理方式上又与过去不同。
- Mainly owned vehicles, milling, drilling, grinding, Jianban, stamping and other equipment, processing means complete. 主要拥有车、铣、钻、磨、剪板、冲压等设备,加工手段齐全。
- The process of applying and rubbing in an ointment. 涂油使用以及用油膏擦的过程