- proceeds through negotiation 谈判收益
- The road proceeds through the forests to the farm. 路穿过森林通往农场。
- We have finally concluded the transaction through negotiation. 经过谈判,我们终于达成了一笔交易。
- One is through negotiation and the other is by force. 一个是谈判方式,一个是武力方式。
- Do you fix the price yourself or through negotiation by both parties? 价格由你方一方决定还是双方协商决定?
- Will the price be fixed by one side or through negotiation by both parties? 产品价格是一方定还是双方协商?
- The two sides in the war finally concluded a peace treaty through negotiation. 通过协商,战争的双方终于达成和议。
- Left unregulated, a program proceeds through its statements from beginning to end. 如果处于不受控制的状态,程序将从头到尾执行其语句。
- Proceed through set up to configure your tuner. 继续设置以配置您的调谐器。
- Each project then proceeds through five class sessions, involving extensive discussion, revision and final presentation of a completed design. 每个专题都需五堂课时间,包括广泛的讨论、修正与最后报告完整的设计作品。
- I was proceeding through torrents of rain. 我在倾盆大雨中前进。
- China stresses and supports the conclusion of arms control and disarmament agreements and treaties through negotiation. 中国重视并支持通过谈判缔结军控与裁军协议和条约。
- The proce through which information gets read unofficially throughout the company. 信息在公司内迅速非正式传播的过程。
- The offer for adding embossment unit or ply number of rewinding can be decided through negotiation. 增加压纹或增加复卷层数,设备价格面议。
- The majority of integrin signaling proceeds through focal adhesion kinase (FAK), an essential component of the focal adhesion complex. 大部分整合素的信号传导是通过一种灶性附着复合体的必需物质--灶性粘附激酶实现的。
- There are only two ways to solve them. One is through negotiation and the other is by force. 解决问题只有两个方式:一个是谈判方式,一个是武力方式。
- An older man, in a grey sweatshirt and hat, quickly emerges as the star, shouting questions as the senator proceeds through the slides. 一位身着灰色汗衫,戴着帽子的老者很快成为了焦点。
- In economic evolution, our material economy proceeds through the production and selection of numerous permutations of countless products. 曼哈顿居民拥有的百亿产品只是真正上市的一部份,产品进入市场后还要经过消费者的集体选择,挑出真正有用的产品。
- China stands for seeking fair solution of the differences through negotiation on the basis of the UNCLOS. 对于有关分歧,中方主张应根据《联合国海洋法公约》,通过谈判求得公平解决。