- Some inflammatory mediators also can stimulate mucin secretion. 一些炎症介质也可以刺激粘蛋白的分泌。
- The relation between the inflammatory mediators clearance and the clinical improvements by CRRT was little reported. 而CRRT对抗炎介质的影响,以及CRRT清除炎症介质和改善临床症状的关系,国内外报道甚少。
- Macrophage migration inhibitory factor(MIF),a potential pro inflammatory cytokine,is a pivotal regulatory element in the nature and adapted immune. 巨噬细胞移动抑制因子(MIF)是一种潜在的促炎细胞因子,是天然免疫和获得性免疫中的关键调节元件。
- The following studies show how sesamin improves the PUFA pathways so that they produce less inflammatory mediators. 以下之研究显示,芝麻素可改善PUFA之代谢途径,因而减少产生发炎反应之中介物。
- The pathogenesis of sterile pustulosis involves various cells and inflammatory mediators. 无菌性脓疱病的发病机制涉及多种细胞及炎症因子。
- After blood flow is restored inflammatory mediators may be circulated to other organs. 血流恢复后,炎症介质可能被循环到其他器官部位。
- Abstract:Objective:To investigate the immunoregulation of triptolide on inflammatory mediators of septic rats. 目的:探讨雷公藤内脂醇对脓毒症大鼠血清促炎与抗炎介质的调节作用。
- Conclusion TFL capsules has obvious analgesic effects, which was related to its inhibitory effects on peripheral inflammatory mediators PGE2. 结论痛风灵胶囊对外周性疼痛有明显的镇痛作用,其机制与抑制炎症组织中PGE2生成有关。
- Among a variety of inflammatory mediators, NO has been implicated as important mediators in endotoxemia and inflammatory conditions. 在大多数炎症介质中,NO是内毒素血症和炎症反应的重要调节分子。
- Among various inflammatory mediators neutrophil is thought to be a major pathogenesis by accumulation in distal airway and secreting elastase and oxygen-free radicals. 其中中性粒细胞在肺内蓦集,释放蛋白酶、氧自由基等毒性物质是一重要发病机制。
- Local renin-angiotensin system (RAS) components are recognized as regulators of cell growth, cell apoptosis, expression of inflammatory mediators and fibrogenesis. 局部肾素血管紧张素系统(RAS)参与调节细胞生长、细胞凋亡、多种炎症介质的表达和纤维化形成。
- Overexpression of MUC5AC,MUC5B and MUC2 have been described in asthma secretions,Inflammatory mediators linked to asthma also take part in the regulation of mucus hypersecretion. 哮喘患者分泌的黏液中主要表现为MUC5AC、MUC5B和MUC2的过度表达,哮喘相关的炎性介质也参与了哮喘黏液高分泌的调控。
- The pathophysiologic effects of eosinophls are closely related to their ultrastructure, surface receptors, activation, degranulation and inflammatory mediators releasing, etc. 嗜酸粒细胞的病理生理学效应与其超微结构、表面受体、活化、脱颗粒、炎症介质释放等方面密切相关。
- Objective:The wound and eschar not only lead to the loss of large amount of body fluid but also play pivotal roles in the production of various toxins and inflammatory mediators. 目的:大面积深度烧伤创面和焦痂的存在造成了机体体液大量的丢失,而且也是多种有害介质释放及导致全身侵袭性感染的滋生地。
- Local renin-angiotensin system(RAS) components are recognized as regulators of cell growth, cell apoptosis, expression of inflammatory mediators and fibrogenesis. 摘要局部肾素-血管紧张素系统(RAS)参与调节细胞生长、细胞凋亡、多种炎症介质的表达和纤维化形成。
- All subjects underwent spirometry, measurement of aortic pulse wave velocity (PWV) and augmentation index, dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, and blood sampling for inflammatory mediators. 所有的研究对象接受肺量测定法,测量主动脉脉冲速度和增强指数,双能X线吸收仪和采集血样分析炎性介质。
- All subjects underwent spirometry, measurement of aortic pulse wae elocity (PW) and augmentation index, dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, and blood sampling for inflammatory mediators. 所有受试对象都进行肺活量测定、主动脉脉搏波速(PW)和增强指数测量、双能X-线吸收仪检查,以及炎症介质血样检测。
- Lo CJ, Fu M, Cryer HG. Interleukin 10 inhibits alveolar macrophage production of inflammatory mediators involved in adult respiratory distress syndrome. J Surg Res 1998 Oct;79(2):179-84. 胡继才,刘维永,梁继河等抗肿瘤坏死因子单克隆抗体对兔创伤性急性呼吸窘迫综合征的保护作用,中华实验外科杂志。
- Overexpression of MUC5AC, MUC5B and MUC2 have been described in asthma secretions, Inflammatory mediators linked to asthma also take part in the regulation of mucus hypersecretion. 哮喘患者分泌的黏液中主要表现为MUC5AC、MUC5B和MUC2的过度表达,哮喘相关的炎性介质也参与了哮喘黏液高分泌的调控。
- They also inhibit platelet activation factor and thereby reduce thrombosis, dilate arteries and capillaries, and block the release of chemotactic and inflammatory mediators from phagocytes. 还可以抑制血小板活性因子从而减少血凝,稀释血管及微血管,并阻碍巨噬细胞释放趋化及致炎介质。