- He told me I was trespassing on private land. 他说我在擅闯私人土地。
- This is private land, you can't walk across it. 这是私人土地,你不能通过。
- This is private land, so beat it! 这里是私人土地,滚开!
- Over the river is private land. 河的那边是私人的土地。
- Public or private landed property; real estate. 地产:公众的或私人的地产;不动产。
- The Tseung Kwan O Extension Project affects 43 private lots and about 80 hectares of government and private land. 将军澳支线工程影响43幅私人土地,并须清理约80公顷政府及私人土地。
- Ironically, Indians had greater protection from private land "takings" under the British. 尤为讽刺的是,在英殖时代,人们反而得到了更大的保护,私有土地可以免受政府征用。
- If the animals stray onto private land, the landowner may require the government to retrieve them. 如果这些动物跑进了私人占有的土地,土地的主人可以要求政府驱赶它们。
- Phase I of the West Rail Project involves acquiring about 1300 private lots and the clearance of over 380 hectares of government and private land. 西部铁路第一期工程须收回约1300幅私人土地,以及清理超过380公顷政府及私人土地。
- The purpose of the Private Land Zone is to recognise the existing legal status of the land. 设立私人土地区的目的是确认土地现时之法律地位。
- Measures should thus be put in place to bring hotspots currently on private land into the conservation estate. 因此有关方面应制定措施,把目前属于私人土地的保育热点纳入保育用地的范畴。
- Kenyans have been arguing over a possible change in the law to allow “sustainable use” of wildlife on private land. 肯尼亚人民一直在争论法律中将可能做出的修订-在私有土地上允许饲养野生动物。
- People are not allowed to put up their shanties on pavements or on government or private land. 即使有棚户遍布这城市的角落,而且被明显地阻拦在视线之外。可还是我从一个狭小的缝隙中偷窥到所谓的贫民窟。
- As hetaerism and prostitution dog the heels of monogamy, so from now onwards mortgage dogs the heels of private land ownership. 像杂婚和卖淫紧紧跟着一夫一妻制而来一样,如今抵押也紧紧跟着土地所有权而来了。
- Hon LAU Kong-wah raised a question on matters relating to installation of telecommunication lines and equipment in communal areas on private land. 刘江华议员就有关在私人土地的公共地方装设电讯线路及设备的事宜提出质询。
- Historically, they fail to see that private land ownership is refutable and that collective land ownership can work well. 在历史层面,他们没有看到土地私有制度是可以证伪的,没有看到土地集体所有也可以发展得很好。
- The government can expropriate the private land for the public interest, so the expropriation system is based on the consideration of efficiency. 为了公共利益的实现,国家可以征收私人或团体的土地,因此,土地征收制度本身是基于效率的考量。
- Don't poke into my private affairs. 不要干涉我的私事。
- If you go to a private hospital you must pay. 如果你去一家私立医院就诊,你得付费。
- A woman tries to resist police eviction of squatters on private land near the city of Manaus, in the state of Amazonas in Brazil. 在巴西亚马逊州首府马瑙斯市附近,一名非法佔用私人土地的女子试图抵抗警方的驱离。