- And it was built with his private fund. 而且是由他私人投资建立的。
- Since then, all aimed at the unaccounted-for private fund managers. 此后,所有的矛头指向这位去向不明的私募基金经理。
- Eight years later,as public and private funding for dinosaur research are becoming increasingly extinct,Grant is desperate for new investment. 八年过去了,由于公家和私人支持恐龙研究的基金渐渐枯竭,格兰特渴望获得新的投资。
- In most countries, Olympic sports enjoy more cachet and inevitably receive more public and private funding. 在大多数的国家,奥林匹克运动享有更大的威望,也必然会收到更多的公共或私人资金。
- Since LTCM was a private fund, the government could not impose a solution. The fate of the global economy was in the hands of these bankers. 由于长资公司是一个私人基金,政府无法对它实行强制的解决办法。全球经济的命运就这样被掌握在这些银行家的手里。
- But lacking in the private fund as they have no funds to make the gecko. 但匮于私募基金的身份,他们一直没有将壁虎基金做大。
- And Private Fund in order to conduct arbitrage scale, and its status as "legalized" will be the key to future development. 而私募基金要想将套利行为规模化,其身份“合法化”问题将是未来发展的关键。
- What the brothel survivors want is that full apology from Japan;they refuse to be fobbed off with offers of money instead from a private fund. 受害者希望日本全面道歉,并拒绝日本政府企图采用私人基金提供补偿而非政府赔款来搪塞过关的方式。
- Private fund is a kind of syndicate investing system in which managers finance from certain investors without public advertisement and operate as a fund. 私募基金是一种通过非公开方式面向社会特定投资者募集资金并以基金方式运作的集合投资制度。
- It is a private fund with a civic mission,His goal was to mobilize the city's financial and business leaders to help build a stronger and more diversified local economy. 我们是一个私人的基金有着市民的任务,它的目标是动员城市的金融跟基金领导人去帮助建立一个更强的,更多样的当地经济。
- The panel has not yet reached agreement on a crucial question, however, whether to recommend legislation that would make it a crime for private funding to be used for human cloning. 译:然而,专家小组在关键问题上还没有达成共识,即是否建议立法机关把将私人资金用于克隆人的行为视为犯罪。
- Dudley indicated that the public - private investment fund (PPIF) origin is TARP (question property rescue plan) with the private fund, this fund mainly uses in purchasing the question property. 道琼斯工业平均指数周四下跌了281点,标普500指数下跌了30点,纳斯达克综合指数下跌了54点。
- Don't poke into my private affairs. 不要干涉我的私事。
- If you go to a private hospital you must pay. 如果你去一家私立医院就诊,你得付费。
- Inquisitor still says, interior of group of evidential indication SamSung exists really be as high as 4.5 trillion private fund of Han Yuan, but this capital was not used at bribery. 检察官还说,证据显示三星集团内部确实存在高达4.;5万亿韩元的秘密资金,但这笔资金并未用于行贿。
- Equity stakes give bidders an incentive not to overpay while competition between private funds should deter low-balling. 股权鼓励竞购者不过多支付,同时私人基金之间的竞争应可以防止出价过低。
- Therefore, the criterion and superintendence of the private funds of our country must be put under the development of the capital market. 因此,要规范私募基金必须把这一问题放在我国资本市场的发展下才有出路。
- Small credit agency is an institutional design that mobilizes private funds and effectively reduces the financial risk of commercial banks. 小型贷款机构是动员民间资金进入贷款领域并有效防范商业银行金融风险的一种制度设计。
- She contributed to the fund with an open heart. 她向基金会捐款,慷慨解囊。
- I don't talk with my boss about my private matters. 我不和我的老板谈私事。