- We will meet the customer demand for privacy protection. 我们将满足客户对隐私保护的需求。
- We need to raise our awareness of privacy protection. 我们需要提高保护隐私的意识。
- Whether they will consider amending the Ordinance to enhance privacy protection? 会否考虑修订条例,以加强保障私隐?
- USA Patriot Act passed in 2001 has direct influences on library users, and weakened library privacy protection. 2001年出台的《爱国者法案》直接影响到图书馆用户的隐私权,弱化了图书馆用户的隐私保护。
- In this paper a new privacy protection method beyond K-anonymity called (L, K)-anonym-ity . 匿名是解决数据隐私的关键技术,成为近年来研究热点。
- But some arguable issues exist in the supervisory regime and consumer privacy protection provision of the act. 惟,该法之监理机制与个人隐私权保障条款之设计,仍存有部分争议。
- Proxy signer privacy protection is one of the important researches for the strong proxy signature. 摘要 代理签名人身份保密是强代理签名的一个重要研究方向。
- Going on the premise of Privacy Protection, AIG have the droits to analyzing user's data-base, and use user's data-base on business. 在不透露用户隐私资料的前提下,艾志集团有权对整个用户数据库进行分析并对用户数据库进行商业上的利用。
- NCR will also support and participate in consumer education efforts about the importance of fair information practices and privacy protection. NCR还将支持并参与消费者教育活动(有关公平信息惯例和隐私保护的重要性)。
- We take measures to select product or service providers that are responsible and afford privacy protection to their customers. 我们采取的措施,选择产品或服务提供商,有责任、有能力保护客户隐私。
- If you send your data outside the PRC, third party use of your personal information may not be covered by PRC law or an applicable privacy protection scheme. 如果您将自己的数据发到中华人民共和国以外,使用您的个人信息的第三方可能不受中华人民共和国法律或适用的隐私保护计划的管辖。
- The purpose-particularized principle performs a distinctive function in the privacy protection of personal credit information in the activity of collecting credit information. 目的特定原则对于在征信活动中保护个人信用信息隐私权具有重要作用:一是加强了个人信用信息隐私权的安全性;
- As the judiciary, he thought the community should also pay attention to it, and called on relevant departments promulgating privacy protection, information protection laws. 作为司法界人士,他认为社会各界也应该重视起来,并呼吁有关部门尽快出台隐私保护、信息保护法律。
- However, it is faced with many issues and challenges, such as the safety of information storing, privacy protection and the distribution of health resources. 但是,它的发展也会面临许多问题与挑战,如电子健康信息储存的安全性问题、隐私保护问题和卫生资源的分配问题等等。
- The subordinating natures of labor relationship not only limit the scope and degree of workers' privacy protection, but also urge employers to protect workers' privacy. 劳动关系的从属性限制了劳动者隐私权受保护的范围和程度,同时也对雇主提出保护劳动者隐私权的要求。
- It also published a prescribed form for data access requests and a variety of guidance materials in relation to identity card numbers,consumer credit data and privacy protection on the Internet. 此外,公署亦制备查阅个人资料所用的指定表格,以及有关身分证号码、消费者信贷资料和互联网上私隐保障等一系列指南。
- Information Rights Management (IRM) is a way to provide privacy protection for a Microsoft Office document and to ensure that sensitive information is only viewed by appropriate people. 信息权限管理(IRM)是一种为Microsoft Office文档提供隐私保护并确保敏感信息仅由相应人员查看的方法。
- It also published a prescribed form for data access requests and a variety of guidance materials in relation to identity card numbers, consumer credit data and privacy protection on the Internet. 此外,公署亦制备查阅个人资料所用的指定表格,以及有关身分证号码、消费者信贷资料和互联网上私隐保障等一系列指南。
- It leveraged trust negotiation in the same security domain and multi-domain by combining excellence of TM and ATN.The protocol was extensibility,flexibility and privacy protection. 该协议可以实现多协议协商,同时融合了信任管理和自动信任协商系统的优点,能够实现安全域内和跨安全域的信任协商功能,具有良好的可扩展性、灵活性和隐私保护。
- Privacy commissioners and ombudsmen from across the country say they want the federal government to suspend its no-fly list until stronger privacy protection measures are put in place. 全国的隐私专员和调查员表示:他们希望联邦政府在采取更加严格的隐私保护措施前暂停实施禁飞名单。