- Foredge margin The white space of a page between the printed image and the cutting edge. 书页上界与阴文和切口间的空白部分。
- When you change the values for Fit to, Excel shrinks the printed image or expands it up to 100 percent, as necessary. 如果更改“调整为”的值,Excel会按照需要缩小打印图像或放大到100%25。
- Show through: The printed image on one side being visible on the other due to the lack of opacity of the paper. 映现:因纸的[不透明度]低的关系, 从纸的反面, 可以看见印纹的情况。
- The erosion and gradual disappearance of the printed image from the plate during the run. 中义印版印纹在印刷过程中逐渐消失或磨损的过程。
- Embossing The process of raising a printed image using an un-inked block or die on paper or board.Differ from "blind embossing" which do not carry any printed image. 浮凸压印用不着墨的电版或模在印有印纹的纸品上压成凸纹效果的方法。浮凸压印不同“素压浮凸”:前者依照印纹轮廓压凸,后者是在空白纸面上压凸纹。
- The fully automated image quality testing done by the Kodak DirectView CR Mammography Total Quality Tool eliminates subjective judgments based on displayed or printed images. 柯达DIRECTVIEW CR乳腺放射成像全面质量工具执行的全自动影像质量检测无需根据显示或打印的影像进行主观性调整。
- There are two types : transmission densitometer for measuring film ,and reflection densitometer for measuring photographs as well as printed images. 密度计分两类:量度菲林的透射刻度和量度相片及印刷的反射密度计。
- There are two types :transmission densitometer for measuring film ,and reflection densitometer for measuring photographs as well as printed images. 密度计分两类:量度菲林的透射刻度和量度相片及印刷的反射密度计。
- The printing image can be created photographically on the stencil leaving open areas of mesh through which ink passes. 印刷影像便会如相片似的出现在模版上,并留下空位让油墨经过。
- With instantaneous detector of printing image, the printing quality can be controlled at any time. 印刷图像瞬时检测装置,可随时了解掌握印刷质量。
- Kodak lines up its LEDs in a linear array: a row of flickering lights with lenses and constant adjustment and power controls that form outstanding printed images. 柯达行了LED的线性阵列:一排闪烁的灯光与镜头,不断调整和权力的控制,形成杰出的印刷图像。
- Lithographic plate where the printing image area base is usually brass or copper, and the non-printing area is usually stainless steel or chromium. 印纹部份常用黄铜或铜为底层,非印纹部份常用不绣钢或铬为面层的柯式印版。
- At present, DTP has been commonly used in our country.The quality of prepress effects directly the quality of printing image. 目前我国已普遍采用DTP,印前质量的好坏直接影响印刷图像的质量,影响印前技术质量的因素很多。
- The penalty clause was hidden in the small print. 惩罚条款印在不起眼的小号字体部分。
- The computer has printed out the results you want. 计算机已把你所需要的计算结果印出。
- Blanket A rubber-surfaced sheet clamped around the cylinder of an offset litho printing press which transfers the printing image from plate to substrate. 夹紧于柯式印刷机圆筒上的一张物料,用来把印纹从印版转印到承印物上。
- The heroine is the spitting image of the author. 书中女主人翁是作者的真实写照。
- A replaceable printed circuit board. 一种可替换的印制电路板。
- Blanket: A rubber -surfaced sheet clamped around the cylinder of an offset litho printing press which transfers the printing image from plate to substrate. 胶布:夹紧于柯式印刷机圆筒上的一张物料,用来把印纹从印版转印到承印物上。
- There were no printed books in those days. 当时没有印刷的书籍。