- Print and Print Preview commands for a contact. 打印和打印预览命令一个联络人。
- The best of the best print preview Print Preview. 最好的打印预览最好的打印预览。
- Print Preview shows exactly how the pages will print. “打印预览”会确切显示即将打印出的页面的外观。
- Print preview is typically located on the File menu for a program. “打印预览”通常位于程序的“文件”菜单上。
- On the File menu, point to Print, and then click Print Preview. 在“文件”菜单上,指向“打印”,然后单击“打印预览”。
- Specifies print preview information for a single page. 为单页指定打印预览信息。
- It starts print preview at the current selection in the edit control. 它启动编辑控件中当前选择的打印预览。
- To scroll the view to the same position as last viewed during print preview. 以将视图滚动到打印预览期间上一次查看的相同的位置。
- Anti-aliasing, also known as gray scaling, makes the print preview look better. 抗锯,也称为灰度比例,可以使得打印预览的效果更好。
- Advanced Features The project supports printing and print preview. 项目支持打印和打印预览。
- The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview. 不能修改正在打印或者打印预览的文档。
- Despite the constraints, one can provide print preview facilities in VB. This application shows how. 除了约束外,这个程序能提供VB中的打印预览工具。
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use anti-aliasing when displaying the print preview. 获取或设置一个值,该值指示显示打印预览时是否使用抗锯效果。
- In the Mail Merge task pane under Create merged publications, click Print preview again to check your adjustments. 在“邮件合并”任务窗格的“创建合并出版物”下,再次单击“打印预览”以检查调整。
- You can print a report from Print Preview, Layout view, Design view, Report view, or from the Navigation Pane. 您可以从“打印预览”窗口、布局视图、设计视图、报表视图或导航窗格中打印报表。
- In Print Preview, you can zoom in to see details or zoom out to see how well data is positioned on the page. 在“打印预览”中,可以放大以查看细节,也可以缩小以查看数据在页面上的位置布局。
- In Print Preview, you can zoom in to see details or zoom out to see how well the data is positioned on the page. 在打印预览中,可以放大以查看细节,也可以缩小以查看数据在页面上放置的位置如何。
- It has a WYSIWYG print preview that can change the size, orientation and position of the image on-the-fly. 有能够即时地改变形象的大小,方位和位置的所见即所得打印预览。
- VB label print control software, has a direct output to printers, print preview functions. VB标签打印控制软件,有直接输出到打印机、预览打印等功能。
- VC print preview procedures, the procedures and the use of other documents / View structure, Use the dialog to achieve. VC实现的打印预览程序;本程序与其它用文档/视图结构不同;使用的是对话框实现.