- So laws must be based on principles of justice. 因此法律必须以公正为原则。
- Laws should be based on the principles of justice. 法律应以公正为原则。
- The principle of justice is a core message of international business ethics. 公正原理是国际经济伦理中一条重要的原理。
- No legal plunder: This is the principle of justice, peace, order, stability, harmony, and logic. 没有合法掠夺:这是正义、和平、秩序、稳定、和谐和逻辑的原则。
- In the third part of this book, we raise the main challenge to becoming a top-notch player: applying the principle of justice to the marketplace. 在本书的第三篇,我们将提出中国成为一个有影响的大国所面临的主要挑战:将公正的规则应于市场机制之中。
- On the basis of the principle of justice,the Contract Law of our country also takes restrict regulate attitude towards it. 根据公平原则,我国的合同法对于完全赔偿权责的适用也作了若干损害赔偿限制性规定。
- The trial was a travesty of justice. 这次审判嘲弄了法律的公正性。
- His trial was a travesty of justice. 对他进行审判是对正义的歪曲。
- The first principle of justice asks absolute equity, and the second principle permits inequality in economic fields, if and only if the inequality can benefit the last favored. 第一原则要求绝对的平等,第二原则允许经济不平等的存在,但以它能够为最不利者带来利益为其存在的正当性条件。
- According to the morality of network culture, it should obtain the moral principle of justice, independence, compatibility, mutual benefit and hannless. 网络文化的道德维度要求网络文化创作应当遵守公平、公正、自主、兼容、互惠、无害的道德原则;
- The trial was a caricature of justice. 这次审判是对正义的滑稽模仿。
- The trial was a mockery of justice. 这一审判是对正义的歪曲。
- His trial was a mockery of justice. 对他的审判是对正义的践踏。
- By a miscarriage of justice the wrong man was condemned. 由于法庭的错误判决,一个无辜的人被定了罪。
- When the early socialists denied the capitalism for moral principle of justice, they failed to see the progressiveness in the growth of economy, and thus made their socialism shere utopianism. 早期社会主义出于公平的道德原则否定资本主义,而没有看到经济发展的进步趋势,因此成为空想。
- The series of problems arose by these improper associated transactions do great harm to the benefit of middle and small stockholders and also violate the principle of justice, impartial and openness. 这些关联交易所引发的一系列问题严重损害了广大中小股东以及债权人的利益,也违背了证券市场的三公原则。
- We uphold the principle of racial equality. 我们坚持种族平等的原则。
- The trial was a parody of justice. 这次审判是对公正的一次拙劣的模拟。
- Where the principle of justice is inadequate to securing social stability around the world, we find the Taoist principle of humanistic naturalness, namely ziran, may assume greater significance. 在这种情况下,研究和提倡道家的人文自然的原则就有了特殊意义。
- International business ethics must provide evidence that, in a variety of contexts, the universal principle of justice not only satisfies the moral norm , but also increases economic efficiency. 国际经济伦理必须寻找证据,证明在一些环境,通用的公正原理不仅满足道德规范,而且有利于提高经济效率。