- The article proposes the method for oblique principle component analysis(OPCA),and conducts a preliminary stud... 因此提出了斜交主元分析方法,并对斜交主元分析方法的理论体系及其应用进行了初步的探讨。
- As a multianalysis tool, Principle Component Analysis (PCA) is commonly used in the feature extraction. 特征提取和波段选择是目前国内外主要使用的降维算法。
- The aim of our work is to strengthen localized features in basis images and to impose orthonormal characteristic of Principle Component Analysis (PCA) on NMF. 我们的目标是强化基底的局部特徵,以及将主轴分析演算法的正交特徵加在非负矩阵分解演算法上。
- Pattern recognition of thermophilic and mesophilic proteins were studied through principle component analysis, partial least-square regression and BP neural network. 采用主成分分析、偏最小二乘回归和BP神经网络三种方法对嗜热和常温蛋白进行模式识别。
- Based on the principle component analysis method,the driving factors about bearing capacity of water resources in Ganzhou Linze and Gaotai were analyzed. 本文应用主成分分析方法,分析了张掖市黑河干流沿岸甘州区、临泽县、高台县三地的水资源承载力的驱动因素。
- These methods include the Principle component analysis, the Regression analysis, the Grey cognate analysis, the Delphi, the Ordering method, the Analytical Hierarchy Process, Fuzzy Method. 目前学术界对土地等级评价所使用的主要方法有:主成分分析法、回归分析法、灰色关联度分析法、特尔斐法、排序法、层次分析法、模糊综合评价法。
- The paper makes comprehensive evaluations to the infrastructures of the main cities in China with principle component analysis and Delphi method. It shows the descending trends of the level of the city infrastructures from the coastland to inland. 文章构建了新的评价指标体系,利用主成分分析和特尔斐法分别建立评价函数,对我国主要城市的基础设施水平进行综合评价,在验证了主成分分析和特尔斐法用于城市基础设施水平评价的可行性的基础上,发现我国城市基础设施的发展水平具有从沿海向内陆地区梯度递减的趋势和规律,具体表现为东南沿海新兴开放城市的水平最高,其次为基础较好、有悠久历史的老牌城市,再次为内陆和东北省会城市。
- The principle component used for principle component analysis is orthogonal, while the reality represented by the principle component possesses a definite relationship in regard to its basic specialty. 该方法针对主元分析的主元是正交的,而主元代表的现实事物的基本特征间往往存在一定的相关性。
- Based on the observation of natural populations and the data collected from references,Q cluster analysis and principle component analysis for 39 characters of 14 species in the Genus Schisandra have been conducted. 在野外居群观察和文献资料收集的基础上;对五味子属的14种植物的39个分类性状进行了Q型聚类分析和主成分分析.
- The article proposes the method for oblique principle component analysis (OPCA), and conducts a preliminary study on the theoretical system of the method of OPCA, and on its application. 因此提出了斜交主元分析方法,并对斜交主元分析方法的理论体系及其应用进行了初步的探讨。
- Then the multitaper spectrum estimation method, singular value decomposition algorithm and principle component analysis method which involve in the MTM-SVD algorithm are studied respectively. 对MTM-SVD算法涉及的多窗口谱估计方法,奇异值分解算法和主成分分析方法分别进行了研究;
- Principle component analysis indicated that KD, kernel thickness (KT), ear length (EL), rate of kernel production (RKP) and KD/ear semidiameter (EsemiD) determined the performance of KYE. 主成分分析结果表明,对单穗产量影响较大的性状有粒长、粒厚、穗长、出籽率和粒长/穗半径。
- Thirdly, taking southern California theme parks cluster as a case, we calculate their niche by principle components analysis utilizing the model. 以美国南加利福尼亚州主题公园群落为研究对象,依据主题公园生态位模型,利用主成分分析法进行生态位测度。
- The integrated quantitative evaluation on river water quality was made by principle components analysis and logarithm center method. 本文利用主成分分析和对数中心化的方法对江河水质进行综合定量评价。
- muhiway principle component analysis 多向主元分析法
- all-around principle component analysis 全局主成分分析
- principle component analysis (PCA) method 主元分析方法
- probabilistic principle component analysis 概率主元分析
- PCA (Principle Component Analysis) 主元分析
- principle component analysis (PCA) 主成分分析