- intermediate principal stress ratio 中主应力比
- Effect of principal stress ratio in plane strain condition on void damage evolution 平面应变下的主应力比对微孔洞损伤演化行为的影响
- Study on transforming of principal stresses in constant stress ratio plane strain tests 等应力比平面应变试验中主应力转换的研究
- principal stress ratio 主应力比,枝力比
- b)Triaxial material tests have been made on epoxy cast thin-walled cylinderical samples when they are in plane stress state where there are six principal stress ratios (1=0, 1=0.5, 1:0.96, 1: -1, 1: 0.38, 1:-0.155) . 对环氧树脂浇注体薄壁园管试件;在平面应力状态下的六种主应力比(1:0;1:O.;5;1:0
- The failure criterions of principal stress, octahedral stress and strain space are established. 建立了主应力、大连理工人学博士学位论文一八面体应力和应变空间的混凝土破坏准则。
- The main direction of the current maximum horizontal principal stress is NE-SW and NEE-SWW. 裂缝主要发育在东西两侧靠近断层、近源的构造陡坡上;
- Rock rupture caused by decreasing the minimum principal stress was studied with Mogi's general triaxial test machine. 过去曾用常规的三轴试验机研究过减小围压引起的岩石破坏。这种实验的局限性在于中等主应力和最小主应力始终保持相等。
- The ratio between major and minor principal stresses basically keeps stable, while it varies between filling and impoundment periods. 大主应力与小主应力之比基本保持恒定,但填筑期及蓄水期的比值大小不同。
- The calculation principle of earth pressure using principal stress arching is proposed. 给出了用主应力拱应力分析计算土压力的基本原理。
- The factors effecting Dfc,ie ,amount of load, stress ratio, loading frequency and welding are studied as well. 并对影响临界疲劳损伤因子D_(fe)的四个因素:载荷大小、应力比、加载顺序、焊接等进行了研究。
- The inherent anisotropy of sands was investigated firstly through the shear tests with fixed principal stress axes. 通过应力主轴固定单调剪切试验分析了所制作砂样的初始各向异性特性。
- There is much difference between the stress ratio in crown and springe calculated with these two methods. 拱冠和拱脚处的应力比值跟竖向构件比较相差悬殊;
- To answer this question, we need to plot trajectories of principal stresses. 为了回答这个问题,我们尚须画出主应力迹线图。
- The stress path that prevails in a pavement under wheel loading includes stress reversal causing rotation of the principal stress direction. 在车轮的荷载作用下,整个路面的应力过程包括导致主应力方向发生旋转的应力反向。
- On FEM simulating its stress and displacement characteristics, the contour of maximum and minimum principal stress have been drawn. 分析结果表明,长白山天池地区高陡斜坡整体稳定性较好,不会发生大规模崩塌。
- For the case of fatigue loading:(1)For a given stress ratio,thespecimen seeks the SDS for the largest S_(max) to which it is subjected. 对疲劳载荷作用的情况:(1)对于给定的应力比 R,试样会趋于与它所承受的 S_(max)最大值相应的 SDS 状态。
- The revised model reflectes upon the middle principal stress and preserves the form of Duncan Modol, but it widens the application ges of Duncan Model. 修正模型考虑了中主应力的影响,既在形式上保持了邓肯模型简单、实用的特点,又在应用上拓宽了邓肯模型的应用范围。
- The amplitudes of pore pressure increased notably with the increase of cyclic stress ratio, and the residual pore pressure also increased obviously. 当循环应力比增大时,动孔隙水压力变化幅值显著增加,而残余孔压也较大。