- This minor bureaucratic triumph lost some of its luster, however, when one examined its principal feature: a freeze on both land-based and sea-based strategic missiles. 然而,当人们研究它的主要特点:即冻结陆基和海基战略导弹的时候,这个官僚机构的小小的胜利就失去光彩了。
- The portico is a principal feature of Greek temple architecture and thus a prominent element in Roman and all subsequent Classically inspired structures. 是古希腊庙宇建筑的主要特征之一,因此也是罗马及以后所有受古典主义启示的建筑的一个重要组成部分。
- This minor bureaucratic triumph lost some of its luster, however, when one examined its principal feature: a freeze on both land-based and seabased strategic missiles. 然而,当人们研究它的主要特点:即冻结陆基和海基战略导弹的时候,这个官僚机构的小小的胜利就失去光彩了。
- The depth of response may baffle the petless but comes as no surprise to industry insiders, who identify "humanisation" as a principal feature of the sector. 那些没养宠物的人可能会对宠物主人们这种激烈的反应感到迷惑不解,但对于那些把“人性化”作为宠物食品产业基本原则的业内人士来说,这一点也不出乎意料。
- The depth of response may baffle the petless but comes as no surprise to industry insiders, who identify “humanisation” as a principal feature of the sector. 那些没养宠物的人可能会对宠物主人们这种激烈的反应感到迷惑不解,但对于那些把“人性化”作为宠物食品产业基本原则的业内人士来说,这一点也不出乎意料。
- This minor bureaucratic triumph lost some of its luster , however, when one examined its principal feature: a freeze on both land-based and sea-based strategic missiles. 然而,当人们研究它的主要特点:即冻结陆基和海基战略导弹的时候,这个官僚机构的小小的胜利就失去光彩了。
- Using the empirical orthogonal function(EOF)and the optimum subset regression(OSR),the statistical forecast model of dryness and wetness was established. The model includs both the principal feature of predictant and the optimum grouping of predictor. 利用自然正交函数(EOF)和最优子集回归(OSR)两种统计方法建立了统计预报模型,既抓住了预报对象的主要特征,又考虑了预报成因的最优组合。
- The principal feature of the 1.85 acre site fronting the Niagara River just upstream from the Horseshoe Falls is the long unobstructed river views across the full 164 ft width of the property. 该住宅面向尼加拉河流域上游,最大的特征是能够看到从马蹄瀑布下来的宽164英尺的河流全景。
- There are two principal features of the model that provide the evidence to support this worrisome thought. 这模式中有两个主要的特征,是产生这种忧心思维的证据。
- Estelle,a famous formal description technique,is discussed in this paper,where its principal features are also described. 本文主要研讨了一种著名的形式描述技术Estelle。 文中先论述了Estelle的主要特征;
- It first describes formal description for the specification of communication protocol. and the principal features of Estelle, SDL and Lotos. 论述通信协议的形式描述,Estelle、SDL和Lotos等的主要特征;
- In order to avoid overfitting and reduce the computational burden, user behavior principal features are extracted by the (PCA) method. 为了避免溢出和减少计算负担,使用主成分分析法提取用户行为的主要特征,而神经网络用于识别合法用户或入侵者。
- My wages are the principal source of my income. 薪金是我收入的主要来源。
- The principal shareholder ask for a meeting. 主要股东们要求召开会议。
- The agent spoke on behalf of his principal. 代理人代表他的委托人说话。
- Keys are available on application to the principal. 向校长申请就可得到钥匙。
- The main feature on the program is her song. 那个节目的主要号召物是她的歌。
- Wet weather is a feature of life in this area. 天气潮湿是这个地区生活的一个特色。
- She's been downgraded (from principal) to deputy. 她已(从校长)降为副校长。
- I do not realize it is a double feature. 我原先不知道这是双片连映。