- the principal axes of elasticity 弹性主轴
- principal axes of elasticity 弹性主轴
- In order to obtain independent representations on viewpoint, the three principal axes of the object should be found frm the moment of inertia matrix by computing its eigenvectors. 为了得到独立于观察点的表示,应通过计算惯量矩阵的特征向量确定客体的三个主轴。
- For semi-rigid models of the special structures,the fundamental frequencies in the directions of the principal axes of the models are still in or near the frequency range of wind load spectra. 对于频率不够高的半刚性模型,其一阶振型频率处于结构荷载谱频带以内,因而共振作用比较明显,对结构动力荷载的影响不可忽视。
- centroidal principal axes of inertia 重心诌性轴
- SAF-t is the principal axis of the hinge-cylinder operation gear planetary motion so that the tool axis exesting self-rotating up to 20 percent, and the revolution. 折刀的主轴是靠折页滚筒操作齿轮做行星运动,这样折刀轴既有自转,又有公转。
- AB-DW16C is the master for AB-DW16D.It used principal axis of pattern bender to transfer power, and it have angle bending device, small round spring bend device and are bending device three parts. 该机是以AB-DW16C型电动弯花机为机体,通过电动弯花机主轴传递动力,配置弯圆弧机构、折角机构和弯小圆弹簧机构,构成AB-DW16D全能型程控弯花机。
- Surely some degree of elasticity could be arranged. 无疑地,某种程度的伸缩余地是留得出来的。
- Modulus of elasticity for tension? 拉伸弹性模量?
- Modulus of elasticity of volume? 体积弹性模量?
- My life is full of elasticity and possibility! 我的生命充满弹性与无限可能。
- central principal axis of inertia 中心惯性轴
- The axis of a circle is its diameter. 圆的轴线是其直径。
- It snapped back like a piece of elastic. 它像一条橡皮带那样迅速弹回。
- An amusing exercise was to name the axes of the Gold Matrix. 关于命名这个黄金矩阵的中轴有一个有趣的测试。
- The core axes of roll mill had been ruptured continuely. 大环件轧机的芯轴连续发生断裂。
- Michel:Ever hear of tensile strength?Hooke's Law of Elasticity? 听说过抗张强度吗?胡克弹性定律.
- principal axes of a body 刚体的主轴
- principal axes of an area 面积轴
- principal axes of strain 主应变轴