- Friedman's early life ought to offer rich material to a biographer. 对一位传记作家而言,弗里德曼早年的经历应该会提供丰富的写作材料。
- The archives provided rich material for a definitive biography. 那些档案为撰写一本权威性自传提供了丰富的材料。
- Compost is a dark, rich material added to soil to improve it. 混合肥是一种能够改良土壤的黑乎乎的肥沃物质。
- And even people who are outside the educational system will be able to tap in to this rich material. 而且甚至是在教育的系统外面的人们将会可以轻打在到富有的材料。
- People used to conceal his feeling by signs of self-isolated, downfall, egotripping and getting lost in rich material life. 人常用种种的征象来掩盖,或是放逐沉沦麻木神经,或是追名逐利,在物质的丰富中忘乎所以。
- Is it more important for you to be rich materially or rich in God's sight? 对你来说,在物质上丰富或是在神的面前富足哪一样较重要?
- He often read the Buddha Scripture in the Chinese Library when he was in American, and never changed his zealousness to the Buddhism though there was rich material life surround him in American. 在美留学期间,他有空就常到中文图书馆里阅读藏经,并不因美国物质上舒适的生活,而改变了学佛的思想。
- But the rich material corrupted the city and it degenerated.According to historical research, the people of Pompeii at that time lived a life full of carnal desire activity and degenerate spirits. 物质的丰富使整个城市腐化堕落,据考证,庞贝人生活中充满了浓墨重彩的肉欲享乐活动,精神腐朽。
- The IAA's rich materials were complimented by special pieces from the Library of Congress' vast holding from the Hebraic, Map, and other collections. 图书馆中珍藏的大量以色列考古局提供的丰富的希伯莱文、地图和其他收集来的资料被称赞为特别的碎片。
- "The primary white pigment is titanium dioxide. 最重要的白色颜料是二氧化钛。
- Characterized by rich materials, a knife delicate, refreshing taste, aboutqing you have Euryale ferox, with exquisite dishes Tangshan Porcelain container, style. 特点是原料丰富,刀工细腻,口味清鲜,讲究清油抱芡,菜品配以精美的唐山瓷盛器,别具风格。
- Preparation of Primary Titanium Materials form Self-Reduced Pellet of Titanium Concentrate by Microwave Reduction 微波加热钛精矿含碳球团制取初级富钛料的研究
- The disease is still in its primary stage. 这疾病仍然在初发阶段。
- Study on Preparing Primary Titanium Materials from Self-reduced Pellet of Vietnam Ilmenite Concentrate by Microwave Reduction 微波还原越南钛精矿制备初级富钛料新工艺研究
- Always feminine, MATILDE CANO proposes fitted dresses, in rich materials with slight plays on transparencies and the magnificent final touch found in the accessories with a “vintage” air. MATILDE CANO 主张设计适合的时装,充满女人味是他们的目标。所有成衣都采用珍贵面料,还配以古老的配饰,形式丰富,与众不同。
- The little boy left primary school at eleven. 这个小男孩十一岁时小学毕业。
- Sure. We are friends since primary school. 当然,我们从小学就是朋友了。
- I started primary school when I was 5 years old. 我五岁时开始读小学。
- A primary cause of Tom's failure is his laziness. 懒惰是汤姆失败的主要原因之一。
- Primary school teachers use a lot of visual aids. 小学教师使用大量的视觉教具。