- The backup job resides on the primary server. 备份作业驻留在主服务器上。
- Back up the transaction log at the primary server instance. 在主服务器实例中备份事务日志。
- The backup job on the primary server might be failing. 主服务器上的备份作业可能失败。
- Gets or sets the name or address of the partner server to connect to if the primary server is down. 获取或设置在主服务器停机时要连接到的伙伴服务器的名称或地址。
- Failing over to a log shipping secondary is useful if the primary server instance fails or requires maintenance. 如果主服务器实例失败或需要维护,则故障转移到日志传送辅助服务器将十分有用。
- Describes how to reduce the load on your primary server by using a secondary server for read-only query processing. 说明如何通过使用辅助服务器进行只读查询处理来减少主服务器上的负荷。
- The primary database is the database on the primary server that you want to back up to another server. 主数据库是主服务器上希望备份到其他服务器的数据库。
- It has also moved its primary servers to Switzerland. E-Bullion已经把他的主服务器转移到瑞士。
- The primary server instance runs the backup job to back up the transaction log on the primary database. 主服务器实例执行备份作业以在主数据库上备份事务日志。
- Some transaction log backups created on the primary server may not yet have been applied to the secondary server. 在主服务器上创建的一些事务日志备份可能尚未应用于辅助服务器。
- Sp_add_log_shipping_primary_secondary must be run from the master database on the primary server. sp_add_log_shipping_primary_secondary必须基于主服务器上的主数据库运行。
- You can reduce the load on your primary server by using a secondary server for read-only query processing. 通过使用辅助服务器进行只读查询处理,可以减少主服务器的负荷。
- You can run a status report at a monitor server, primary server, or secondary server. 您可以在监视服务器、主服务器或辅助服务器中运行状态报告。
- After the primary server comes back up, the activity will start running there again. 主服务器恢复后,活动再次开始在主服务器上运行。
- This table is only used on the primary server if a remote monitor server has not been configured. 仅当尚未配置远程监视服务器时,主服务器上才会使用此表。
- The warm standby server must be renamed to use the same name as the primary server. 必须重命名备用服务器,以使用与主服务器同样的名称。
- The backup server processes connection requests if the primary server is unavailable. 后备服务器在主服务器没有的情况下处理连接请求。
- The name and status of every primary server and secondary server that uses this server instance as its monitor server. 将此服务器实例用作其监视服务器的每台主服务器和辅助服务器的名称和状态。
- To maximize availability of the primary server, Microsoft recommends as a best practice that you place the backup share on a separate host computer. 为了尽可能地提高主服务器的可用性,Microsoft建议您最好将备份共享放在单独的主机上。
- The primary server specified when configuring the secondary server is not used for the mechanics of shipping the logs to the secondary. 用于将日志传送到辅助服务器的机制不会使用配置辅助服务器时所指定的主服务器。