- That is his primary goal in his life. 那是他人生的第一目的。
- The primary goal that any system seeks is survival. 任何系统寻求的首要目标都是生存。
- My primary goal is to win a championship. 我最重要的目标是赢得总冠军。
- The government's primary goal here is not to legitimize itself. 这是多么弱智、拙劣和恶劣的做派!
- What is our primary goal and purpose when we come to worship God? 当我们敬拜神时,我们首要的目标和目的是甚麽?
- Often a primary goal of reparations is correcting past injustice. 通常,赔款的首要目标是补偿过去的不公。
- Preparing civil servants to provide quality service to the public is the primary goal of training and development in the Civil Service. 公务员培训发展工作的主要目标,在于培训公务员成为优秀人员,为公众提供优质服务。
- The primary goal of the study was to determine the safety and tolerability of the new therapy. 研究的基本目标是确定新疗法的安全性和耐受性。
- The primary goal of these sessions is to prepare you for the January internship. 这些课程的主要目标,是为了一月份的实习对你进行预备教育。
- Their primary goal is not a solution or an agreement to the dispute,but the restoration of a harmonious relationship. 他们的主要目标不在化解争端、达成协议,而在于使人际关系复归和谐。
- The primary goal of a load test is to simulate many users accessing a server at the same time. 负载测试的主要目的是模拟许多用户同时访问一台服务器的情况。
- The primary goal of avast! SMTP Server Edition is to effectively filter all SMTP traffic. SMTP Server Edition的主要目的是有效过滤所有SMTP通讯。
- It's imperative to understand the target audience and the primary goal for every client. 明确我们的目标用户以及针对每个客户的最初目的。
- Resource sharing is the primary goal of designing generalized computer networks. 资源共享是设置一般性计算机网络的主要目的。
- Technology transfer is one of UCAR*s six primary goals. 其中每一项捐给博士学位的大气和相关科学的赠款,还有越来越多的国际公司提供相当的学位,北美的学术子公司提供博士后学位.;技术转移是UCAR的六个主要目标之一。
- Their primary goal is not a solution or an agreement to the dispute, but the restoration of a harmonious relationship. 他们的主要目标不在化解争端、达成协议,而在于使人际关系复归和谐。
- Our primary goal is to meet our clients; requirement and establish mutually pleasant business relationships with them. 我们的首要目标是满足我们的客户;要求,并建立相互愉快的业务关系。
- His primary goal was to reduce the overlap Reuters payroll, while preserving as many good journalism jobs as possible. 他的第一个目标是减少路透社的雇员,直到保留尽可能好的记者工作。
- In both teaching and research, the department takes internationalism as the primary goal. 本系不论教学和研究上,都朝著国际化发展。
- The primary goal in opening a bottle of Champagne or sparkling wine is not to let much of the drink spill. 打开一瓶香槟或是汽酒最主要的是不要让她喷洒到处都是,到头来喝到你肚子里的一点点。