- Primary branch number, secondary branch number, primary branch grain number, secondary branch grain number and secondary branch grain rate are significantly positively correlated with grain number per panicle. 一次枝梗数、一次枝梗粒数、二次枝梗数、二次枝梗粒数以及二次枝梗粒率都与每穗粒数呈极显著的正相关关系,这些性状的增加将有助于穗粒数的增加。
- primary branch number per panicle 一次枝梗数
- The grains per panicle, therefore, were affected by the number of primary branches, large and small vascula... 穗颈维管束数主要受遗传因素控制;环境条件的影响相对较小.;此外;还讨论了粳稻超高产育种中与此有关的几个问题
- All primary branches on a panicle were evenly divided into three parts of the upper, middle and basal. 结果表明:整精米率和胶稠度由高到低依次为穗上部、中部、下部枝梗籽粒以及一次枝梗、二次枝梗籽粒;
- Result: (1) After anatomic studying, the primary branches of the femoral arterywere genus descendsus artery in the adductor canal. 排骨滋养动脉距胖骨头尖14.;2(10
- Using the average values of the angles between the young and primary branches, to determine the paleosea current direction in the Middle Silurian Period is of actual significance in the exploration of mineral resource distribution. 利用幼枝和主枝夹角的平均值测绘中志留世时期古海流的方向,对寻找矿产的分布具有实际意义。
- The disease is still in its primary stage. 这疾病仍然在初发阶段。
- The little boy left primary school at eleven. 这个小男孩十一岁时小学毕业。
- Sure. We are friends since primary school. 当然,我们从小学就是朋友了。
- I started primary school when I was 5 years old. 我五岁时开始读小学。
- A primary cause of Tom's failure is his laziness. 懒惰是汤姆失败的主要原因之一。
- Primary school teachers use a lot of visual aids. 小学教师使用大量的视觉教具。
- Love and hatred are primary emotions. 爱和恨是基本的情感。
- The Democratic primary was held this month. 民主党候选人初选於本月举行。
- Primary education comes under the umbrella of local government. 小学教育受地方政府的保护。
- He only accepted the primary education off and on in his childhood. 他小时候只断断续续地接受过初等教育。
- Regularity of Forming Secondary Branch on the Primary Branch of Female Parent Plant in Recessive Gentetic Male Sterile Line of Brassica napus 甘蓝型油菜隐性核不育系母本植株二次分枝的形成规律
- The primary reason for advertising is to sell more goods. 做广告的根本目的是要多出售货物。
- Collins was nosed out by his opponent in the primary. 柯林斯在初选中就被他的对手击败了。
- Not derived from something else; primary or basic. 基本的不是从它物派生的; 原本的或基本的