- He buys careless cock cheeper from the market with every price of 2 yuan of money 1100, cent enters column 3 batches. 他以每只2元钱的价格从市场收购草公鸡雏1100只,分3批入栏。
- The price of an option. The sum of money that the option buyer pays and the option seller receives for the rights granted by the option. 期权的价格。买者必须支付给卖方作为将来买进或卖出期货合约的权利价金。
- It is said that external price of money, a Shiite on selling more than 6,000 kronor (and the renminbi basically equivalent). 据说对外售价不菲,一个菜碟就卖6000多瑞典克朗(与人民币基本等价)。
- Market price of a kind of sedge of every jins of high grade garlic is only 7 minutes of money, and unmanned still make inquires. 每斤优质蒜薹市场价仅有7分钱,而且还无人问津。
- He personifies the worship of money. 他是拜金的化身。
- With paragraphic for the unit, by every 1000 words the price of 2 minutes of money undertakes selling, if choose to be interested partly only paragraphic, fare is lower. 以章节为单位,按每千字2分钱的价格进行销售,如仅选择部分感兴趣章节,费用更低。
- You can let your Mini dealer know if you're interested in the program but based on the estimated price of some other special edition Minis well be prepared to pay a lot of money. 在中国人的概念里,奢侈品几乎等同于贪欲、挥霍、浪费。其实,从经济意义上看,奢侈品实质是一种高档消费行为,本身并无褒贬之分。从社会意义上看,是一种个人品位和生活品质的提升。
- A price of $1000 was set on the jewel thief's head. 悬赏1000美元抓住这个珠宝窃贼。
- I had to spend a large sum of money to get it back. 我得花一大笔钱才把它弄回来。
- It takes a lot of money to buy a house. 买一所房子要花一大笔钱。
- The price of liberty is eternal vigilance. 自由的代价是永久提高警惕。
- A year in America will cost you no end of money. 在美国住一年要花很多的钱。
- The price of oil has suddenly rocketed up. 石油价格突然飞涨。
- He has earned a lot of money in this month. 这个月他已经赚了好多钱了。
- As I had plenty of money I was able to help her. 我钱很宽裕,能帮助她。
- He often came up against the problem of money. 他那时常常碰到钱的问题。
- I'd buy an island if I had lots and lots of money. 果真我有许多许多钱,我就买一个小岛。
- They have increased the price of petrol again. 他们又提高了汽油的价格。
- LSLP principle is inchoative the " deduct a percentage from a sum of money in technical trade pays " this one specific way, through a kind computational method obtains float price of the technology. LSLP原则发端于技术贸易中的"提成支付"这一特定方式,通过一种计算方法获得技术的浮动价格。
- She spend a lot of money to follow the fashion. 为赶时髦她花费了不少钱。